Question pretext
I would like you to imagine an ideal scenario, it is not meant to be the same as the level of service currently available where you live. It is only meant to be an example. In this scenario, water is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with sufficient pressure, and is safe to drink from the tap. Also imagine that because you would pay for the water you actually use, your water bill could vary from month to month. But suppose that an average household would use about 15 cubic meters (tons) of water in a typical month. (ONE CUBIC METER IS EQUAL TO ONE TON)
Literal question
Now suppose that a vote were held in [NAME OF TOWN] regarding a project to build a modern drinking water system like the one described. If the price of a connection to this system were [1920, 2400, 2880, 3360, 3840], would you vote for the new water supply project or against it?