Value |
Category |
1 |
People are already living well |
2 |
During 15 years |
3 |
During 10 years |
4 |
During 5 years |
5 |
During 25 years |
6 |
It will happen at least in 50 years |
7 |
It has nothing to do with time, the most important thing is |
8 |
It will never be better, never |
9 |
10 |
When there will be justice in Kazakhstan |
11 |
When payment for work will be higher |
12 |
We shall not live up to that time |
13 |
When oligarchs will stop stealing and sale of natural resour |
14 |
After 2030 |
15 |
When industry will spring up |
16 |
When the old times come back - 1945-95. |
17 |
All depends on the President`s policy |
18 |
When the living standards in villages will be the same as in |
19 |
In 100 years |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.