Value |
Category |
1 |
Local Council |
2 |
Respected neighbours or relatives |
3 |
Khokimiyat/district council |
4 |
Court |
5 |
Police |
8 |
Government (state) |
12 |
We ourselves / They themselves |
21 |
State bodies |
22 |
Army/Militaries |
24 |
Customs |
29 |
Border soldiers |
30 |
States themselves |
33 |
State leaders (presidents) |
36 |
Authorities |
41 |
The people himself |
52 |
Diplomats |
53 |
Border departments |
58 |
President |
59 |
Akimats (superior) |
60 |
Local authorities |
61 |
Supreme Court |
62 |
Special Commission on Conflicts |
63 |
Neighbouring states |
98 |
No conflict |
99 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.