Value |
Category |
3 |
All ethnicities are equal |
5 |
All ethicities have equal conditions |
7 |
Everybody minds his own business |
9 |
Good relations |
10 |
Much in common |
14 |
All ethnicities are equal in Kyrgyzstan |
18 |
Kyrgyzstan is our common house |
20 |
We live friendly (friendship between ethnicities) |
21 |
Our people are good-humoured and humane |
22 |
No conflicts and disputes |
24 |
Kyrgyzs are a peaceful gentle people |
35 |
The Kyrghzyz people is friendly, open-hearted, hospitable |
38 |
My friend married a Kyrghyz/marry each other/ interethnic ma |
43 |
The poor have no disagreements, all ethnicities have difficu |
46 |
Kind of relatives now |
49 |
We work together and celebrate feasts jointly |
51 |
Respect sentiments of each other |
53 |
There are no quarrels due to ethnicity |
58 |
All live in accord |
63 |
Peaceful people |
64 |
Common traditions |
67 |
We help each other when in sorrows |
69 |
Kyrghyzs have a very good mentality and that is why all live |
75 |
Many friends of different ethnicities |
86 |
Language commonality |
89 |
People are not divided |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.