Value |
Category |
2 |
Payment in cash or in kind for rent (land, machinery, equipm |
3 |
Any plot of land, but not a farm |
4 |
Private enterprise |
5 |
Dekhkan farming |
6 |
Pensions |
7 |
Unemployment benefit |
8 |
Social assistance, other allowances |
9 |
Aid from relatives residing in Kyrgyzstan in cash and in kin |
10 |
Aid from relatives residing outside Kyrgyzstan in cash and i |
18 |
Seller at a market |
19 |
Stipend |
20 |
Trade |
36 |
Additional earnings |
37 |
Occasional earnings |
40 |
Sometimes I have additional earnings |
54 |
Owing to business |
65 |
Trade abroad |
67 |
Private business |
68 |
Allowance |
71 |
I dig graves on a cemetery |
72 |
I sell benzene and diesel fuel at home |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.