Value |
Category |
1 |
Salary delays |
2 |
Inflation |
3 |
Unemployment |
4 |
Goods prices` growth, expensiveness |
5 |
Money shortage |
6 |
Corruption, bribery |
7 |
Abuse of power by police |
8 |
Alcoholism |
9 |
Commercial sex |
10 |
Anarchy |
11 |
Unavailability of clean drinkable water |
12 |
Poor condition of motorways |
13 |
Gas unavailable |
14 |
Poverty |
15 |
Kindergarten issue |
16 |
Electricity unavailable/irregular supply |
18 |
Customs control passing |
19 |
Low living standards |
20 |
Heating, hot water unavailable |
21 |
Criminality |
22 |
Drugs addiction |
23 |
Schools` deteriorating condition (maintenance needed) |
24 |
Ecology |
25 |
Exhausted soil |
26 |
Transport issues |
27 |
Garbage, garbage transportation |
28 |
Terrorism |
29 |
Telephone unavailability |
30 |
Bath house unavailable |
31 |
Water pipeline unavailable |
32 |
Theft |
34 |
Coal problem |
36 |
Delay of pensions, children`s` allowances |
37 |
Pensioners/handicapped do not get aid (little attention to t |
38 |
Health of the population |
41 |
Works low paid |
43 |
Cotton price decrease (cheap cotton) |
44 |
Low pensions/allowances |
45 |
Poor harvest |
46 |
Equipment shortage |
47 |
Poor harvest |
48 |
School issues |
51 |
Expensive benzene (fuel) |
52 |
Water supply |
54 |
Housing issues |
55 |
Conflicts |
56 |
Poor living standards |
57 |
Hard to provide for the whole family |
58 |
Government does not take care about its people |
60 |
High taxes |
61 |
Trees cutting |
62 |
Fuel related difficulties |
63 |
Agrarian goods are too cheap, we cannot sell them |
64 |
Rural administration malfunction |
65 |
Infectious diseases |
66 |
Heaps of shops: youth is drinking from morning till night an |
68 |
Expensive fees for contract education |
70 |
Diseases of domestic animals, of live stock |
71 |
Trees planting |
72 |
Usually irregular supply of electricity |
73 |
Central authorities aid to agriculture |
74 |
To grant people with credits without interest rates |
76 |
Local authorities do not work properly |
77 |
To shepherd live stock becomes problematic due to pastures` |
78 |
Public transport issues |
80 |
To construct a mosque in the village |
81 |
High electricity charges |
82 |
Irrigation water issue |
84 |
Plants stand still/Industry does not function |
85 |
Youth rearing |
88 |
Poor economy |
89 |
No illumination in the street, dark in the evening |
90 |
To open small businesses |
91 |
Manuals shortage |
93 |
To strengthen economy |
94 |
Number of children-orphans increased |
95 |
Economy crisis |
96 |
Interethnic conflict |
97 |
Maternity house/hospital unavailable |
100 |
Sports clubs and circles are unavailable |
101 |
Humanitarian aid unavailable |
102 |
Transport fares expensiveness |
103 |
Water shortage |
104 |
Many children without education |
106 |
Agriculture issues |
107 |
Cotton cheap prices |
108 |
The youth unemployment |
109 |
Extremist groups |
110 |
Incompetent power organs |
111 |
Dirty streets |
112 |
Many street children (homeless) |
113 |
Expensive kindergartens fees |
114 |
Low wages |
115 |
Cruelty of people towards each other |
118 |
Land shortage |
119 |
Children`s playing grounds issues |
122 |
Sewage unavailable |
125 |
Low level of education |
126 |
Expensive municipal services |
127 |
Health care issues |
128 |
Free time shortage |
129 |
Expensive medical services |
130 |
No live stock |
131 |
Land issues |
132 |
Staff issue |
133 |
High equipment rent |
134 |
Social issues, provision |
135 |
Youth issues |
139 |
Hooligans |
140 |
Water resources division |
141 |
Problematic to find employment |
143 |
City ill developed |
145 |
Development of villages |
146 |
Impunity for those who break traffic rules |
147 |
Humiliation by customs staff |
149 |
Low housing-municipal services level |
151 |
Leisure is not organized (leisure issue) |
152 |
Client`s overcharge in terms of money and in food weight in |
153 |
Low level of public health services |
155 |
Low culture |
157 |
Expensive medicaments |
159 |
Uncertainty in tomorrow |
160 |
Struggle for power |
161 |
Provision of children |
162 |
Registration |
163 |
Expensive food prices |
166 |
Idleness |
167 |
Unemployment benefit unavailable |
168 |
Irregular gas supply |
169 |
Drugs sales |
171 |
Bureaucrats` hypocrisy |
172 |
Infrastructure |
173 |
Ideological, cultural, sports centre unavailable |
178 |
Low health care level |
179 |
Bureaucracy |
181 |
Groups |
184 |
Kindergarten unavailable |
185 |
No respect towards each other |
186 |
No possibility to sell farming goods |
189 |
Expensive gas |
190 |
Schools unavailable (or far off) |
191 |
Expensive fuel |
193 |
Disorders |
194 |
Internet unavailable |
198 |
Conflicts with neighbours |
199 |
Banks bankruptcy |
202 |
House of culture unavailable |
203 |
Few TV channels |
204 |
Poor radio transmission |
205 |
Land plots division issue |
206 |
Time shortage for private life |
207 |
No sport development |
208 |
Weapons sales |
209 |
Inadequate health care reform |
210 |
Religious traditions require large expenditures |
211 |
Disorders |
212 |
Large expenditures for various events (wedding parties, fune |
213 |
Buildings void of aesthetic aspect |
214 |
Repair of parks and places of recreation |
215 |
No TV tower (Kyrgyz teleradio) |
216 |
Natural cataclysms |
217 |
Kampir-abad water reservoir is over flooded |
218 |
People`s issues should be solved timely |
221 |
Consumer services as before no longer exist |
222 |
There`s no communication with Bishkek |
223 |
Floods |
227 |
Insufficient amount of lands for farming |
230 |
A correct state policy with neighboring countries |
232 |
Mortality rate is augmenting |
234 |
People are lost in the market economy |
235 |
The centre is far off |
236 |
Inconsiderateness of seniors |
243 |
Many things are done by protection |
244 |
In rural locations no preventive measures are taken against |
245 |
To organize a consumer services center in rural locations |
246 |
Youth centre |
250 |
A shortage of physicians |
251 |
A hospital is far off |
255 |
Cattle-breeding development |
256 |
Insufficient means for land cultivation |
258 |
Life difficulties |
259 |
Expensive fuel |
266 |
To reduce agrarian goods` process |
267 |
The waste from gold mining plant "Makmaya" |
268 |
Radiation damages people`s health |
273 |
International terrorism |
275 |
A sense of vulnerability |
282 |
Bad address at the immigration`s |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.