Value |
Category |
Advancement in company |
Advancement in the company |
Based on experience from existing personel of dealers |
CV database in company |
Company director |
Company founders |
Company records |
Employees that we promote |
Family company, ownership and management goes from father to son |
From our company personnel rule of manager |
From our ranks |
He came on his own |
Internal competition |
Internal movement of our employees |
Internal office our firm recruits on it's own |
Internally |
Internet candidate database |
Manager is owner of company |
Owner |
Owner and manager, family company |
Owner is also a manager |
Promoting workers from company |
Son inherits from father |
Spontaneous application |
Stakeholder assembly chooses them among employees |
Take over |
Upon delivering CV |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.