Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2015-2016
Name | Country code |
Namibia | NAM |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
The Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) 2015/2016 edition is the fourth of its kind to be executed in Namibia and the first to be carried out by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) as per its first Strategic plan for the period of 2012/2013 to 2016/2017.
The Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) 2015-2016 is a household based survey, designed to collect data on income and expenditure patterns of households and the sole source of information on income and expenditure in the country. Data from the NHIES is used to compute poverty indicators at household and individual levels. The survey also serves as a statistical framework for compiling the national basket items for the compilation of price indices used in the calculation of inflation. It also forms the basis for updating prices or rebasing of national accounts.
The NHIES 2015-2016 provide data to measure the levels of living of the population of Namibia, for example, using actual patterns of consumption and income, as well as a range of other socio-economic indicators. Statistical information from this survey will inform planning and policy making processes at national, regional and international levels in particular the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national development plans such as the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) and the Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5) in support of monitoring and evaluation of the Namibia's Vision 2030.
The information is also further used in the monitoring and reporting towards Namibia's regional and international commitments and obligations such as the SADC agenda, AU Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The NHIES was therefore designed to provide policy makers with reliable, up to date and quality statistics at national, regional levels as well as rural urban disaggregated statistics for planning and decision-making purposes.
The specific survey objectives were among others to:
Sample survey data [ssd]
Household and Individual
The 2015-2016 Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2015-2016 covered the following topics:
Topic |
Population size |
Income and Expenditure |
Education |
Dwelling characteristics |
Anthropometric measurement of children less than 5 years |
Durable assets |
Annual Labour Force |
Main source of income |
Housing and utiliies |
Distance to services |
Ownership and access to assets |
Annual consumption and income |
Distribution of annual consumtion |
National coverage
The target population for the NHIES 2015/2016 was the non-institutional population residing in private households in Namibia.
Name | Affiliation |
Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) | National Planning Commission, Government Republic of Namibia |
Name | Role |
The World Bank Group | Provided technical expertise during data analysis and sampling stage |
United States Census Bureau | Technical support |
Name | Role |
Government Republic of Namibia | Funded the survey |
United States Agency for International Development | Funded the survey |
Sampling frame
The primary sampling frame used for this survey is a list of Primary sampling Units (PSUs) based on the 2011 Population and Housing Census Enumeration Areas (EAs). A PSU can be one EA, part of an EA or more than one EA. A secondary sampling frame for each of the selected PSUs was created for the purpose of selecting the sample households through a listing procedure.
Sampling design
The sample design for the survey was a stratified two-stage cluster sample, where the first stage units were geographical areas designated as the Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) and the second stage units were the households. The up-to-date list of households in the selected PSU were prepared during the listing stage of fieldwork, and 12 households were systematically selected in each PSUs.
The primary sample frame was stratified first by region followed by urban and rural areas within region. The Urban/rural strata were further stratified implicitly by constituencies.
The rural strata were also further stratified implicitly taking into consideration the proclaimed villages, settlements within the rural strata. Once this step was carried out the remaining PSUs in rural strata were implicitly stratified into communal and commercial farming areas. The PSUs within each of these areas were also geographically arranged.
The households in the secondary frame constitute a list of all households for each selected PSU were listed generally following a geographic order. Additional information was collected from the PSUs in the commercial farming areas for the purpose of carrying out further stratification before selecting sample households.
A total of 10,090 out of 10,368 sampled households were successfully interviewed, resulting in a 97.3% response rate which is highly satisfactory as exceeds the NSA target response rate of 80% for all data collection in the social statistics domain. The lowest response rate was observed in Khomas region which was 94.1%.
Two questionnaires / forms were used to collect the survey data. Form I recorded demographic information and transactions of infrequent nature like purchases of durable goods as well as other information from other modules while Form II or daily record book (DRB) was used to capture information of daily transactions such as buying of bread, presents given to members of households and gifts given outside the household, etc. during the survey round. Households were shown how to record daily transactions. However, where there were no literate persons in the households, interviewers visited them on daily basis in order to help with daily DRB recordings.
Start | End |
2015-03-27 | 2016-03-21 |
The data collection started on 27 April 2015 to 21 March 2016
Name | Affiliation |
Namibia Statistics Agency | National Planning Commission, Government Republic of Namibia |
The interviewer was controlled by team supervosor.
The NHIES 2015/2016 was conducted within the provisions of the Statistics Act No.9 of 2011. There were two major fieldwork activities: the pilot survey that was undertaken from February 2015 to March 2015 and the main survey that was undertaken from April 2015 to March 2016. The survey cycle was divided into 22 survey rounds that were further dived into four survey quarters. The survey equipment and materials provided included digital food portion scales (for measuring weights of food items consumed), jugs (to measure liquid food items consumed), height meters, measuring boards, roller meters, bathrooms scales (to measure height and weights for children under 5 years), Tablets (uploaded with data entry application to administer the questionnaire) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
Two Forms of the questionnaire were used to record information on consumption and income using a face-to-face interview method. Form I recorded demographic information and transactions of infrequent nature like purchases of durable goods as well as other information from other modules while Form II was the Daily Record Book (DRB) used to capture information of daily transactions such as buying of bread, presents given to members of households and gifts given outside the household, etc. during the survey round. Households were shown how to record their daily transactions. However, where there were no literate persons in the households, interviewers visited them on a daily basis in order to help with the DRB recordings.
Data entry application was built with many consistency checks, skipping patterns and other validations such as maximum and minimum acceptance range per variable. Supervisors were given minimum variables to check on a day-to-day basis, especially for other - specify (notes) variables. As a result, data consistency checks, coding and validation was done at field level. This minimized the time spent on post data cleaning, validation and editing process.
The data processing methodology that was adopted for this study was the Computer Assisted Personal Interview method (CAPI). Data management tools to collect, transmit and store and clean (primary editing and recoding) survey data were designed and developed using CSPro 6.3.
The sampling error of a statistics is measured in terms of the standard error of that statistics which is the square root of the variance. The standard error is the standard deviation of the statistics which measures the variability in the estimates around the expected value. The standard error given in this report were estimated using the Taylor series Linearization method in Stata 12.1 program.
Organization name | Affiliation |
Namibia Statistics Agency | NSA |
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Namibia Statistics Agency | National Planning Commission | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The NHIES 2015/2016 was conducted under the provisions of the Statistics Act No.9 of 2011. |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Namibia Statistics Agency
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Namibia Statistics Agency | National Planning Commission | | |