Value |
Category |
0 |
Only one reason |
1 |
Sickness/ Disability |
2 |
Teachers not effective |
3 |
Financial constraints |
4 |
Difficult to reach school |
5 |
Work for her/his household |
6 |
Work for others |
7 |
Did not wish to continue |
8 |
Marriage/ Partnership |
9 |
Pregnancy |
10 |
No public services (toilets) |
11 |
Expelled/ Dismissed |
12 |
Failure in exams/ Contents were too difficult |
13 |
Satisfied with level/ Finished specific level |
14 |
Family moved to a new location |
15 |
The next level was not offered in nearby schools |
16 |
Security concerns |
17 |
Other (Specify) |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.