Value |
Category |
100 |
Waste collected |
110 |
Collected from home |
120 |
Collected from container in street |
130 |
Collected by government |
131 |
Regularly collected by government |
132 |
Infrequently collected by government |
140 |
Collected by community association |
150 |
Collected by private company |
160 |
Collected by trash truck, unspecified |
161 |
Collected by animal drawn cart |
200 |
Waste dumped |
210 |
Authorized/civic dump |
211 |
Private/NGO garbage dump |
220 |
Dumped into nature/unauthorized site |
221 |
Dumped into street or empty plot |
222 |
Dumped into canal or drainage |
223 |
Dumped in river |
224 |
Dumped inside hole |
230 |
Dumped in own compound |
231 |
Dump, bury, burn in compound |
300 |
Waste processed |
310 |
Burned |
320 |
Buried |
330 |
Composted |
340 |
Recycled |
350 |
Fed to animals |
400 |
Other |
996 |
Non-resident |
997 |
Don't know |
998 |
Missing |
999 |
NIU (not in universe) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.