There might be a problem identifying the mother from the Roster in case of multiple spouses. This variable can be clearly identified only in the fathers'/mothers' ID is provided in the dataset. In case of only one spouse she is assumed to be the mother, unless the age checking is could identify those living with their step mother (mother died or divorced).
• All parents related variables were generated by ERF including the presence status generated using the relationship to head variable, therefore those dead could not be identified.
• Father's and Mother's variables were generated for head of the household's children, the head him/herself whenever his/her parent(s) are household members, for head’s siblings if parents’ data is available, and for head’s grandchildren if he/she has married sons/daughters or in laws living in the household. In some cases, children were linked to their parents based on the HH data entry order.
• Since the relationship to the head variable did not include the son/daughter in law category, to generate the in-laws' characteristics, we assumed that the son in law is a married male recoded as other relative in the relationship to head variable where the number of married female daughters in the household >=1.
The same technique was applied to the daughter in law, a married female recoded as other relative in the relationship to head variable where the number of married male sons >=1 is considered a daughter in law.
• In case the head has multiple spouses, the identification of the children’s mothers among different spouses is judgmental whether on age basis, or on members order in the household.