Household Budget Survey 2015
Name | Country code |
Serbia | SRB |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has been conducting the Household Budget Survey since 2003 according to international standards and recommendations of Eurostat, International Labor Organization and Unites Nations to provide for international data comparability.
The Household Budget Survey collects data on cash expenses of households for food, clothes and footwear, rent, fuel and lightening, health care, education, traffic, hygiene, culture, etc. It also gathers information on household income, dwelling conditions, as well as data on the level of supply with durable consumer goods.
The Household Budget Survey is used for:
Two hundred households are interviewed every fifteen days, resulting in 4,800 households annually. The data is collected using two methods: diary keeping and face-to-face interviews. A household keeps an individual consumption diary for fifteen days, documenting items and services of individual consumption. In interviews, the reference period for durable goods is twelve months, for semi-durable goods is three months, and for income, agriculture, hunting and fishing is three months.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01
The scope of the Household Budget Survey includes:
The Survey covered the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia and the obtained data were processed for the Republic of Serbia – all, Belgrade region, Vojvodina region, Šumadija and Western Serbia region and Southern and Eastern Serbia region.
Cities and settlements
The survey covers all private households in Serbia. HBS does not cover collective households (hospitals, prisons, monasteries, boarding schools and similar). But, if a person stays in a collective household for less than six month, then he or she is included the survey.
Name | Affiliation |
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia | SORS |
Name |
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia |
Type of sample:
The sample is a two-stage, stratified sample. The first stage units are enumeration districts and the second stage units are households.
Enumeration districts, as primary units, are stratified by the type of settlement (urban and other) and by territory (the central Serbia and Vojvodina are basic territorial strata).
Sample selection was carried out by selecting the first stage units (enumeration districts) in proportion to the number of household, and the second stage units (households) were selected with equal probability (simple random selection).
200 households are interviewed every fifteen days, i.e. 4800 households annually. Out of the total number of households envisaged for the survey (4800 for the Republic of Serbia), the number of 4517 households (94%) was covered by the survey.
System of assessment was executed in a standard way applied for two-stage stratified sample, i.e. the selection procedure for the first stage was in proportion to size and repeated, while for the second stage it was simple random selection and not repeated.
Weighting factors were used to adjust for sampling, non-response and benchmarking.
Researchers collect data with the help of face-to-face interviews and diaries that are kept by household members.
Diaries gather expenditure information on the following items:
Questionnaires collect other expenditure data, with the respondent completing the interview by a mix of recall and use of documentation. COICOP classification is used to code expenditure items.
Start | End |
2015 | 2015 |
Name |
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia |
HBS is conducted by an authorized interviewer from the Republic Statistical Office of Serbia, who visits a household a few days before the survey starts. The interviewer leaves the journal and gives instructions for filling it out. After seven days, the interviewer visits the household again and offers assistance in keeping the journal. After 15 days the interviewer comes to take the filled journal and collect the remaining data.
The survey applies the method of diary keeping (a household keeps a individual consumption diary for fifteen, i.e. sixteen days) regarding the items and services of individual consumption and also interview method on the basis of questionnaires, where the reference period for durables is twelve months, for semi-durables, agriculture, hunting and fishing - three months, and for earnings – one month.
Starting from 2015, in Household Budget Survey, applied is the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP), with five - instead of four - digit system, therefore causing more detailed coverage of households' expenditures regarding semi - durable and durable goods and services, performed by introducing new modalities. Harmonization with the five - digit classification has resulted in changes of each of the groups related to personal consumption, excluding Food and non - alcoholic beverages, as this index is not subject to such harmonization.
Name | Affiliation |
Poverty - GP | World Bank Group |
The use of the datasets must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Serbia Household Budget Survey (HBS) 2015, Ref. SRB_2015_HBS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
ECA Team for Statistical Development | World Bank | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Poverty- GP | The World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Development Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (November 2016)