Value |
Category |
1 |
maize local |
2 |
cmaize omposite/opv |
3 |
maize hybrid |
4 |
maize hybrid recycled |
5 |
tobacco burley |
6 |
tobacco flue cured |
7 |
tobacco nndf |
8 |
tobacco sdf |
9 |
tobacco oriental |
10 |
other tobacco (specify) |
11 |
groundnut chalimbana |
12 |
groundnut cg7 |
13 |
groundnut manipinta |
14 |
groundnut mawanga |
15 |
groundnut jl24 |
16 |
other groundnut (specify) |
17 |
rice local |
18 |
rice faya |
19 |
rice pussa |
20 |
rice tcg10 |
21 |
rice iet4094 (senga) |
22 |
rice wambone |
23 |
rice kilombero |
24 |
rice ita |
25 |
rice mtupatupa |
26 |
other rice (specify) |
27 |
ground bean(nzama) |
28 |
sweet potato |
29 |
irish [malawi] potato |
30 |
wheat |
31 |
finger millet(mawere) |
32 |
sorghum |
33 |
pearl millet(mchewere) |
34 |
beans |
35 |
soyabean |
36 |
pigeonpea(nandolo) |
37 |
cotton |
38 |
sunflower |
39 |
sugar cane |
40 |
cabbage |
41 |
tanaposi |
42 |
nkhwani |
43 |
therere/okra |
44 |
tomato |
45 |
onion |
46 |
pea |
47 |
paprika |
48 |
other (specify) |
52 |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.