Value |
Category |
Accountant |
Accountant for salaries |
Chief accountant |
Chief technologist |
Deputy chief accountant |
Deputy director |
Deputy of chief accountant |
Deputy top manager |
Director |
Financial director |
General director |
HR |
Head of HR |
Representative of supervising board |
Sales manager |
Senior administrator |
The head of standardization department |
accountant |
cashier |
chief accountant |
chief of department |
chief of laboratory |
commercial director |
commodity expert |
cutter |
deputy chief accountant |
deputy director |
deputy director and chief accountant |
director |
economist |
engineer |
financier |
general director |
head of department |
head of personnel department |
main accountant |
main activity referent |
main engineer |
manager |
owner |
sale chief |
secretary |
vies chief accountant |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.