This variable is generated based on the highest educational attainment variable.
Primary corresponds to elementary, and lower secondary to preparatory/second stage of basic education.
If there is no information on the highest level of education completed, the variable can be constructed using the diploma level, and the years of education, if available.
When using currently attending information (level or grade) to construct the variable, it must correspond to the grade (or level) presently attended minus one (1).
This is country specific - not all countries require the same number of school years to complete a given level.
The value "None" does not mean that the individual never attended school; it means that the individual did not complete the first level of education (elementary).
"None" corresponds either to those currently enrolled in primary but didn't get the diploma, those illiterate or can read and write, and those in informal schools, such as Koranic schools, traditional schools, vocational training or adult programs etc.
If there is no question on the highest level of education completed for those not attending school and there is no information on diploma and/or years of education completed, then the variable cannot be constructed.
The code "1" in the original variable indicating those below the question age category were recoded missing.