Census of Economic Activities 2007
Name | Country code |
Mauritius | MUS |
Enterprise Census [en/census]
A census of production was first carried out by the Statistics Mauritius in 1964 followed by another one in 1968. However, those two censuses were restricted to the manufacturing sector only. In 1985, following the need for comprehensive data on the characteristics and structure of production units in the different sectors of the economy, the census was extended to all sectors except agriculture. The 1985 Census was followed by another one in 1992. Since then, the census known as the Census of Economic Activities (CEA) has been conducted every five years.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) conducted its fifth Census of Economic Activities (CEA) in Mauritius and Rodrigues from January 2007 to May 2009, with 2007 as reference year. The main objective of this exercise which is carried out every five years is to collect data on the operating characteristics and structure of all types of economic activities, except Agriculture.
The 2007 CEA was conducted in two phases - Phase I covered a sample of small production units that is, those engaging less than ten persons and Phase II covered all large establishments, that is, those engaging at least ten persons. Data collection for Phase I was carried out from January 2007 to December 2007 while that for Phase II started in July 2008 and was completed in May 2009. A comprehensive report for Phase I was published in June 2009.
The main objectives of the 2007 Census of Economic Activities are:
(a) To collect up-to-date information on the operating characteristics and structure of all types of economic activities except Agriculture, carried out in the Republic of Mauritius.
(b) To assess the contribution of the various industry groups in the overall economy.
(c) To obtain benchmark data for computing national accounts estimates.
(d) To obtain detailed data for the construction of Input-Output tables and Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) for impact analysis.
(e) To obtain benchmark data and weights for the construction of volume and price indices.
Phase II of the CEA 2007 aimed at covering all large establishments engaging ten or more persons, located in the Republic of Mauritius. However, the following were excluded for reasons stated below:
(a) Agricultural activities: These activities have not been covered because of the difference in methodology and measurement techniques used in the collection and compilation of data pertaining to the agricultural sector as compared to other sectors of the economy.
(b) Domestic services: These services cannot be appropriately covered by an establishment survey.
(c) Concealed and illicit activities: These activities are difficult to measure.
It is to be noted that CEA 2007 did not cover sugar-milling industries and government units as data were readily available from administrative sources. However, “small” establishments operating in the “Export Oriented Enterprises (EOE)”and “Freeport” were covered in Phase II because their production structure are similar to those of “large” establishments and their set of accounts are usually available for a whole year.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Small and large non-agricultural establishments
Version 02 (August 2020). Additional information was added to the series information, sampling procedure, and access conditions were updated. Datasets and external documents were added.
The topics covered by CEA 2007 included:
Topic | Vocabulary |
Private Sector Development | World Bank |
Doing Business / Business Regulation | World Bank |
Trade | World Bank |
Phase II of the CEA 2007 aimed at covering all large establishments engaging ten or more persons, located in the Republic of Mauritius at district level.
All large establishments in the Republic of Mauritius, excluding establishments belonging to the agriculture sector.
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Central Informatics Systems Division | Ministry of Information Technology | Data entry and processing |
Name | Role |
Government of Mauritius | Funding |
The first phase of the Census of Economic Activities was to cover all small production units (i.e those engaging less than 10 persons) operating in the Republic of Mauritius, except agricultural activities, activities of household employees and illegal activities. Out of an estimated total of around 92,000 such units, it was decided to survey a sample of around 3,400 units, 3,100 in Mauritius and 300 in Rodrigues. Hence, a comprehensive list of such units (the sampling frame) was required from which the sample would be drawn.
The sampling frame was constructed from data available in the business register compiled by the Central Business Register unit of the CSO, supplemented by information from some other administrative sources.
The overall response rate was around 42% in terms of establishments, 55% in terms of employment and 57% in terms of gross output.
The methodology used for compiling economic aggregates, such as output, input, value added, etc., varies from activity to activity. It was therefore not possible to use a unique questionnaire for all sectors. Ultimately seven different questionnaires had to be designed to meet the requirements of the CEA. The activities covered by each questionnaire were as follows:
CEAL 1: Mining and quarrying, and manufacturing
CEAL 2: Construction
CEAL 3: Wholesale and retail trade
CEAL 4: Hotels and restaurants
CEAL 5: Insurance
CEAL 6: Banking and other financial intermediation
CEAL 7: Services (Other)
Start | End |
2007-01 | 2009-05-31 |
Start date | End date |
2006-07-01 | 2007-06-30 |
2007-07-01 | 2007-12-31 |
Name | Affiliation |
Statistics Mauritius | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Not applicable since mail questionnaire was used.
In July 2008, two copies of the relevant questionnaires with a covering letter and an instruction sheet were mailed to all the 2,337 large establishments. Following a low response rate at the date limit fixed for end of November, two reminders were sent during the following two months. Field visits were also organised and intensified during the period November 2008 to May 2009 for contacting non-respondents as well as for settling queries.
The editing and coding exercise were carried out in the office and also as home assignment. In office, a team of around eight officers (two Clerical Officers and six Statistical Officers) were involved in the exercise under the supervision of two Senior Statistical Officers (one part-time and one full-time). Sample of the coded questionnaires were verified by a Statistician. In addition to an instruction document “Editing and Coding Instructions” provided to the coders, training sessions were carried out by the Statistician together with the Principal Statistician for a clear understanding of the tasks expected from them.
Home Assignment
Due to the shortage of human resource in the editing and coding exercise, the office had recourse to home assignment undertaken by the same team of coders in order to complete the work in time. This practice was also adopted for phase I of the census.
Dara Entry
Data capture was performed by the Central Information Systems Division (CISD) of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology using the Integrated Microcomputer Processing System (IMPS) software. Data validation and cleaning were done by the CEA unit using IMPS. The clean data files were then transferred to the STATA software for tabulation. Summary tables and charts were prepared in EXCEL.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director | Statistics Mauritius | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Confidentiality of the survey respondents and the sensitive information they provide is necessary to ensure the greatest degree of survey participation, integrity and confidence in the quality of the data. Surveys are usually carried out in cooperation with business organizations and government agencies promoting job creation and economic growth, but confidentiality is never compromised. |
Licensed access
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Statistics Mauritius. Census of Economic Activities (CEA) 2007-2009. Ref. MUS_2007_CEA_v02_M. Dataset downloaded from on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that Statistics Mauritius, as the collector and authorized distributor of the data, bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) CEA 2007, Statistics Mauritius
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Head of CEA unit | Statistics Mauritius | | |
Name | Role |
Statistics Mauritius | Documentation of survey |
Version 03 (August 2020). Additional information was added to the series information, sampling procedure, and access conditions were updated. Datasets and external documents were added.
Version 02 (May 2019) The original documentation was downloaded from the Mauritius Microdata Catalog website (
Version 01 (September 2011)