Literal question
In the past 5 years, did you experience any of the following shocks causing a significant reduction in your HH’s income/assets?
Je, katika kipindi cha miaka mitano iliyopita, uliwahi kukutwa na janga (pigo) lolote lililosababisha upungufu wa kipato au mali katika kaya yako?
Interviewer instructions
Before the start of this section, you should give them a reference point of until when the 5 years period goes back. Do NOT consider shocks that happened BEFORE the period, even if the household still feels the consequences now.
SHOCK is defined by SUDDEN situation, different from usual. Also, SHOCK is different from CONSEQUENCES OF SHOCK. For instance, HUNGER is NOT a shock, but a consequence.
When respondent says 'yes', repeat to him 'within five years?'.
For price fluctuation of goods produced: These are either goods that are produced/farmed by the household and then sold OR the price of goods that the household buys e.g. toothpaste, sugar, soap etc
We suggest you to note down the description of the shock that the respondent gives associated to this question in the Windows Journal, so you can use this description later for the ranking question Q2 in that section. That is, you should
use the descriptions to summarize the shocks before asking the respondent to rank them.
It is important to note that a shock may only be reported ONCE. Also, be alert when the respondent answer is 'yes'.
Based on the description he/she gives to this shock, you should decide yourself in which category the shock belongs.
You should select 'no' if there is no 'other' shock, for all other 1, other 2 and other 3.
'Surgery Birth of spouse' should be coded [8].