Interviewer instructions
Please refer to the definitions provided below and select all that apply from the list provided.
Poor: Those whose consumption is below the national poverty line, as defined by the government. Or those who, because of their personal and/or community characteristics, face barriers in accessing opportunities to earn sustainable livelihoods and have elevated risks of being/staying in poverty and/or being socially marginalized
Extreme poor: Those whose consumption is below the $1.90/day (2011 PPP - see conversion rates) who can work on a sustained basis. Also defined as the bottom 50% of the poor population in a country or those unable to meet basic needs.
Ultra-poor: Those whose consumption is below $0.95/day (2011 PPP- see conversion rates). Also defined as those experiencing the most severe forms of deprivation, e.g. persistently hungry, lack of sources of income, etc.
Other vulnerable: other groups that do not meet any of the above criteria, e.g. those just above the poverty line, marginalized groups irrespective of their poverty level, etc.