Value | Category | Cases | |
"To improve access to social services, expand economic opportunities, and enhance environmental management for the host communities and refugees. " | 1 |
"To provide effective income support to and build the resilience of poor and vulnerable households in Northern Uganda. " | 1 |
-Help the ultra-poor households escape abject poverty and obtain a sustainable livelihood and form a clientele base for financial institutions. | 1 |
1) Enable two million people to come out from extreme poverty for good, 2) Support national institutions to deliver essential services to the extremely poor people for their prosperity and resilience. | 1 |
1, Enhancing employability through skills trainings and linkages to employment opportunuties 2. Strengthening self-employment through business skills trainings, productive asset support and business development services | 1 |
1. Refugees/host communities gain access to jobs and start micro/small enterprises 2. Innovation Centers are recognized as hubs for learning, creativity and employment linkages 3. Refugees/host farmers increase yield and sales of selected a | 1 |
1. Aumentar la participación de la población en situación de discapacidad en el Mercado Laboral. To increase the participation of the population in a situation of disability in the labour market. | 1 |
3. The objective of the project is to enhance agricultural productivity of small and medium scale farmers and improve value addition along priority value chains in the Participating States. | 1 |
Accroître la résilience à l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations vulnérables dans les régions du nord du Mali (Gao, Ménaka, Mopti, Taoudéni et Tombouctou) | 1 |
Address the drivers of instability, irregular migration and displacement in Cluster I: the Southwest Ethiopia-Northwest Kenya border | 1 |
Alleviate poverty amongst the most vulnerable refugees and host communities | 1 |
Boost economic self-reliance of persons of concern. Strengthen PoC’s capacities to reduce dependency of humanitarian assistance. | 1 |
Build Resilience to shocks, enhance livelihoods and improve food and nutrition security for vulnerable rural families in Karamoja region | 1 |
By 2022, the disability-inclusive ultra-poor graduation project will deliver increased socio-economic empowerment and resilience to 2,700 ultra-poor HHs (70% and 15% of HHs respectively where the project holder is a woman and/or PWD) in Wes | 1 |
Contribuir a que las personas y familias superen su situación de pobreza extrema de manera sostenible, mejorando su nivel de bienestar y calidad de vida. A través del desarrollo de capacidades, potencialidades y recursos disponibles, tant | 1 |
Contribute to the increase of food and nutrition security for vulnerable groups affected by Hurricane Matthew in the Grand'Anse departement | 1 |
Contribute toward food security and protection of socially vulnerable youth (18 to 30 years-old) by improving employment opportunities, incomes and empowerment through technical training in gastronomy. | 1 |
Crear una red de seguridad económica, social, laboral e impulsar a las familias refugiadas, solicitantes de asilo y migrantes venezolanos a superar su situación de pobreza. El objetivo es que los hogares alcancen la autonomÃa. Create a n | 1 |
Create a conducive environment for displacement (or mixed migration) affected communities in Somalia to reach a durable solution | 1 |
Desarrollar capacidades productivas y de emprendimientos rurales en las familias usuarias del proyecto Haku Wiñay/Noa Jayatai para que accedan con mejores oportunidades a los mercados locales, y puedan generar sus ingresos económicos de m | 1 |
Diversifying livelihoods | 1 |
During this program, Village Enterprise is providing technical assistance to the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) in the Lomako Reserve area of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The aim is for AWF to operate a successful microenterprise de | 1 |
Empower 1,625 indigenous young women and people with disabilities in four municipalities through the Graduation Approach with financial education as well as training in livelihoods, sexual health, and reproductive rights. Institutionalize G | 1 |
Enhancing productive capacity of the extreme poor | 1 |
Eradication of extreme poverty in Bangladesh by bringing positive changes in the status of ultra-poor people in terms of socio-economic empowerment, increased confidence level, positive behavioral change and higher social inclusion. | 1 |
Eradication of poverty and elevating the status of marginalized and under privileged sections of society, especially women, through establishment of comprehensive Social Protection Net. | 1 |
Evaluating the Impact of Rural Entrepreneur Access project (REAP) and Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) in reducing the extent and depth of poverty and the psycho-social well-being of communities in Northern Kenya. | 1 |
Expanding and Diversifying Viable Economic Opportunities in Northern Kenya | 1 |
Extremely poor and marginalised households in Manono Territory, Tanganyika Province, DRC are more productive and resilient to health shocks and stresses, and have improved human and social capital to sustain their Graduation out of poverty | 1 |
Facilitation of refugee employment by enhancing their readiness to join the labour force by including them in Bulgarian language training, vocational training and subsidized employment. | 1 |
Fight extreme poverty and allow extremely poor families to reach socio-economic autonomy | 1 |
Fortalecer capacidades y medios de los Organismos del Sector Social de la EconomÃa (OSSE), que cuenten con iniciativas para la inclusión productiva, financiera y al consumo, a partir del trabajo colectivo To strengthen the capacities and | 1 |
HelpRefugeesWork is an innovative and free web service that brings motivated refugee job-seekers in contact with employers and training providers in Cyprus in an easy and efficient manner. HelpRefugeesWork is an initiative of the United Nat | 1 |
Improve employability and labor income of poor youth through Skills Development Programs | 1 |
Improve landscape management and access to economic opportunities for targeted rural communities in the Northwest and Center-West regions of Tunisia | 1 |
Improving economic condition and basic needs fulfillment of poor population | 1 |
Improving human capital | 1 |
Improving livelihoods opportunities for vulnerable conflict-affected population. Program's activities aim at: 1) enhance access to, and quality of, education and training opportunities for male and female youth; 2) enhance access to train | 1 |
In line with the regional Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR), endorsed by the Government of Pakistan, UNHCR supports Afghan refugees through this project to acquire transferable skills so that refugee families are able to support | 1 |
Increase the use of productivity and nutrition-enhancing agricultural practices by smallholders in targeted project areas. | 1 |
Increased capacity of communities to reduce disaster risk, though better planning, preparedness, response and resource allocation at the community levels. | 1 |
Increased community resilience to climate shocks and reduced gender inequality for extreme poor households in Nsanje and Mangochi Districts | 1 |
JEEViKA-I; To enhance social and economic empowerment of rural poor in Bihar. JEEViKA-II; To diversify and enhance household-level incomes and improve access to and use of nutrition and sanitation services among targeted households. | 1 |
L'objectif de développement du projet est d’améliorer les opportunités économiques pour les jeunes défavorisés dans les gouvernorats sélectionnés . | 1 |
L'objectif du PISERUMA est d'accompagner les réfugiés au Maroc vers l'autosuffisance et l'autonisation socio-économique / financière soit par le biais du renforcement de compétences (formation professionnelle), de l'accompagnement à l | 1 |
L’objectif des activités de la sous composante Filets Sociaux productifs est d'améliorer les moyens de subsistance des ménages les plus pauvres et de leurs communautés par une amélioration de leur environnement, une meilleure utilisa | 1 |
Number of targeted young women aged 15-24 years who completed the life skills, health and nutrition training package in full Net changes in the proportion of beneficiary young women (aged 15-24 years) reporting consumption of four or more | 1 |
OG: Promover la inclusión socioeconómica de las familias en situación de pobreza y vulnerabilidad preferentemente del Programa Tekoporá; a través del desarrollo de capacidades y el incremento de activos productivos y financieros. Prom | 1 |
Objectif général Renforcement durable de la résilience des communautés et des ménages vulnérables à l'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle de la province du Yagha dans la région Sahel au Burkina Faso Objectifs spécifiques (r | 1 |
Objetivo 1: Mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición a través de transferencias de efectivo y capacitación. Objetivo 2: Incrementar la autosuficiencia y resiliencia económica a través del empleo, las oportunidades comerciales y | 1 |
Over all Objective: To contribute to the reduction of irregular migration from Northern and Central Ethiopia by improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable population, including potential migrants and returnees with specific foc | 1 |
Overarching project goal is to ensure Improved and Resilient Livelihoods (incomes and assets) of small-holder farmers and agro-pastoralists of the Babati cluster. | 1 |
Population poverty reduction through the creation of sustainable conditions of social and economic development, including income and production capacity increase | 1 |
Project goal and objective. The project will be implemented over a 6-year period. The development goal of the Project is to contribute to reducing poverty and enhancing national food security in Jordan by improving the productivity of small | 1 |
Promote refugees self-reliance. | 1 |
Promover el crecimiento del adolescente de 15 a 17 años de edad, mediante la estructuración de su tiempo libre, en las actividades que coadyuven a su formación educativa, psicosocial y laboral. To promote the growth of adolescents betwee | 1 |
Propel women's personal and productive development as well as financial inclusion, by promoting the adoption and implementation of graduation model through alliances of local actors. | 1 |
Provide access to income generating opportunities to targeted poor and vulnerable youth in Togo | 1 |
Provide protection and assistance to refugees in Cote d'Ivoire, provide reintegration opportunities to Ivoirian returnees | 1 |
Provide target youth in Gaza with short-term income support and increased access to internet-enabled self-employment opportunities. | 1 |
Provide temporary income opportunities to selected poor and vulnerable households and to strengthen safety net delivery tools | 1 |
Provide temporary income support, improve the employability of affected beneficiaries in targeted sectors, and strengthen the social protection system’s capacity for shock-response and protection of the poor. | 1 |
Provision of support systems for the graduation of Social Protection beneficiaries through a resilient enterprise model that enhances innovations, collective skills, networking and bonding of social capital. | 1 |
Reducing unemployment of vulnerable beneficiaries and increase management capacity and business skills of individuals who plan to establish microenterprises | 1 |
Self reliance and livelihoods improved. | 1 |
Strengthen community protection networks and support entrepreneurship aiming at durable solutions for internally displaced persons, deportees with protection needs and persons at risk of forced displacement. | 1 |
Strengthen the resilience of extremely poor families so they can escape multidimensional poverty | 4 |
Strengthening the resilience and increasing the social inclusion | 1 |
Support improved access to financial service | 1 |
Support the GoE to improve income of targeted poor households and establish urban safety net mechanisms. | 1 |
Supports the most marginalized women to: earn and save money, improve health and well-being, influence decisions in their home and community, and connect to networks for support. By utilizing skills, knowledge and resources, she is able t | 7 |
Targeted vulnerable households affected by the Syrian crisis have increased their ability to meet basic needs through support in capacity building and developing skills in addition to support in physical assets in order to generate better | 1 |
The ACCESS safety nets program is basically composed of a basic unconditional cash transfer and labor-intensive public works. The cash transfer intervention is intended to increase household income over a sustained period (24 months) while | 1 |
The Childhoods & Livelihoods Program is a child-focused, ultra-poor poverty graduation program designed for the context of rural Malawi. The Program's three pillars of childhood wellbeing, sustainable businesses, and financial management ar | 1 |
The Grant objective is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) in Panama to implement and improve the Cohesion Social Program. The Cohesion Social Program seeks to sustainable increase the inco | 1 |
The PDO is improved management of, and increased benefit sharing in, targeted forest landscapes. | 1 |
The PDO is to enable selected poor households to enhance agricultural incomes and secure increased access to human development services and social entitlements. The “selected poor households†will include households that are geographi | 1 |
The PDO is to establish and support a safety nets system which will increase access of poor and food insecure households to cash transfer and Cash for Work programs. | 1 |
The Productive Social Action Program (PASP) is one of the basic social security programs of the Government of Mozambique and has two components, namely "Public Works" and "Support for the Development of Income Generation Initiatives (ADIGR) | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to 'improve livelihoods of the poor and extreme poor and to promote rural enterprises, access to finance, and create employment opportunities in selected districts of Bangladesh'. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to basic social services, expand economic opportunities, and enhance environmental management for communities hosting refugees in the target areas of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Uganda | 3 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve climate resilience, land productivity and carbon storage, and increase access to diversified livelihood activities in selected rural watersheds. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve livelihood resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Ethiopia. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase agricultural productivity and enhance access to markets for farmers in selected gewogs in south-west Bhutan. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen community-led landscape management in selected landscapes in the state of Meghalaya. The higher-level objectives of the project are to (a) manage and conserve the natural resources, | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen sustainable forest management and increase economic opportunities for forest-dependent people and enterprises in selected forest landscapes in Mexico. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen sustainable landscape management in targeted productive ecosystems in Mauritania. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective is to improve access of the Borrower’s poor citizens to an integrated package of social protection and promotion opportunities, including, in particular, human capital, enhanced employability, and housing | 1 |
The Project Development Objective is to improve access to income generation opportunities for target youth and strenghten the government capacity to implement its cash transfer program. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective is to improve management of priority fisheries and mariculture and increase access to complementary livelihood activities in coastal communities. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective is to improve opportunities for secondary school progression and facilitate the transition to jobs in the domestic and overseas labor markets for Tongans. | 1 |
The Project Development Objective is to “support the Government of Malawi to meet the immediate food security and livelihoods restoration needs of the communities affected by drought and promote recovery and resilience in key affected sec | 1 |
The Project development objective is to improve the equity, integration and sustainability of selected social safety net programs. (a) Equity will focus on improving coverage of the extreme poor, by strengthening the Social Registry. (b | 1 |
The development objective of this project was to improve the incomes of the extreme poor households by enabling them to manage their small farm and non-farm activities more productively and sustainably. | 1 |
The goal is to graduate extremely poor refugee households who fled from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Ugandan vulnerable households from conditions of food insecurity and fragile livelihoods to self-reliance and resilience. | 1 |
The goal of EVM is to support the rural families living in extreme poverty that participate in the conditional cash transfer program Bono Vida Mejor. Focus is placed on female-headed households. EVM aims to put these families on a path out | 1 |
The goal of the graduation program is to create a pathway out of poverty for 21,000 extremely poor families in the target locations. | 1 |
The goal of this program is “households have sustainable sources of income to provide the basic needs of childrenâ€. | 1 |
The objective of Prevail is to help sustain and grow the livelihood gains made by ultra-poor participants of the ICM Transform program (see entry on ICM Transform). During the Transform Program, participants form a savings group (SG) and e | 1 |
The objective of Transform is to build capacity for a sustained progress out of ultra-poverty. International Care Ministries (ICM) works with local churches to invite the poorest families in the area to join a Transform community. Together, | 1 |
The objective of the Project is to improve accessibility to markets for small rural producers in the Selected Areas by: (a) promoting productive alliances between different small rural producer organizations and purchasers; (b) empowering r | 1 |
The objective of the Project is to provide poor communities and households with greater access to basic service infrastructure and social safety nets. | 1 |
The objective of the Project is to strengthen the capacity of forest-dependent people from Selected States to participate in local, national and international REDD+ related processes. | 1 |
The objective of the Project is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development to transparently and effectively implement the Cash Transfer Program, and to pilot a Productive Social Safety nets approach for poor | 1 |
The objective of the project is to expand income-generating activities for youths in selected project areas in Niger | 1 |
The overarching objective of this program is to eradicate extreme poverty and mitigate multidimensional vulnerabilities of the host community and the displaced refugee population in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh through promotion of livelihood | 3 |
The pilot aims to provide participant households, who are existing beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino conditional cash transfer program across five municipalities in Negros Occidental, with a comprehensive and sequenced set of int | 1 |
The program aimed to improve household income and food security, increase dietary diversity and improve immediate access to food and assets | 1 |
The program aims to replicate the graduation approach (which involves providing a package of services including a productive asset, coaching visits, access to savings accounts, consumption support, and health insurance) in order to determin | 1 |
The program development objective is to improve completion of market-driven skills training and secondary education for adolescent girls and young women in select districts of Jharkhand. | 1 |
The program development objective is to provide targeted cash transfers to the poor and food insecure households and to establish building blocks for a national safety net system in Mali. with additional financing to the project, the PDO re | 1 |
The program development objective is to support the Government in increasing the access of extremely poor households to safety net services and in laying the foundations for a social protection system The program offers regular cash-for-wo | 1 |
The program development objective is to support the Government in increasing the access of extremely poor households to safety net services and in laying the foundations for a social protection system. The program aims to (i) stabilize the | 1 |
The programme aims at breaking high insecurity, exclusion and socio-economic vulnerability. The overall objective of the programme is for community members from Cite Soleil, a marginalized urban area, are optimistic and empowered to sustain | 1 |
The programme was designed to target the extreme poor not catered for in traditional livelihoods programmes. It provides a holistic set of interventions, designed to respond to the specific barriers facing these households and capitalisin | 1 |
The project aims to provide extremely poor people living in rural Kenya with the tools that they need to graduate from extreme poverty. Participants are able to achieve this through a series of targeted trainings, along with ongoing mentors | 1 |
The project aims to provide extremely poor people living in rural Uganda with the tools that they need to graduate from extreme poverty. Participants are able to achieve this through a series of targeted trainings, along with ongoing mentor | 1 |
The project aims to reduce opportunistic poaching/ Illegal Wildlife Tade (IWT) due to local people upset with human-wildlife conflict and few income-earning opportunities and due to limited capacity and resources in the Uganda Wildlife Auth | 1 |
The project aims to support the West Pokot County Government, in Kenya, to develop a coherent approach to scale up graduation and integrate it into interventions seeking to realize social and economic inclusion of the extreme poor. The pr | 1 |
The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access of poor and vulnerable households in selected communities to financial services, opportunities for generating income, and small-scale infrastructure, and to provide immediate and | 1 |
The project development objective (PDO) is to increase access to temporary employment and skills development opportunities for out-of- school youth. | 1 |
The project development objective (PDO) is to provide access to targeted transfers to poor and vulnerable households under an expanded national social safety nets system. | 1 |
The project development objective (PDO) is to support the establishment of a basic national safety net system including piloting targeted cash transfers and public works programs for the poorest and most vulnerable people in participating a | 1 |
The project development objective is to " Promote Rural Enterprises, access to finance and employment opportunities in selected blocks of Tamil Nadu". | 1 |
The project development objective is to improve access to basic services and economic opportunities for refugees and host communities in select areas of the Republic of Niger. | 1 |
The project development objective is to improve the availability of and access to food and livestock productive capacity for targeted beneficiaries affected by the conflict in the Central African Republic on the Recipient's territory. | 1 |
The project development objective is to increase access of the poor and vulnerable, using improved social safety nets systems, to youth employment opportunities in all participating states and to provide Targeted Cash Transfers to the poor, | 1 |
The project development objective is to increase employment and earnings opportunities for targeted youths. | 1 |
The project development objective is to strengthen sustainable management and use of forest landscapes in the Raimondi, Sepahua and TahuanÃa districts of the Atalaya province. | 1 |
The project development objective is to support the socio-economic reinsertion of demobilized ex-combatants within local communities. | 1 |
The project is aimed to improve health, nutrition and livelihood status of the most vulnerable women and children in Aweil West and Aweil North counties. | 1 |
The project will assist the Government of Acre in its efforts to improve outcomes in economic opportunity, health and education for target populations in urban and rural areas. These improved outcomes will be achieved through the expansion | 1 |
The project’s development objective is to improve economic opportunities for targeted entrepreneurs. | 1 |
The specific objective of this action is to ensure 35,461+ most vulnerable households (HH) are more resilient to food and climate change shocks. | 1 |
This project will empower 1,000 ultrapoor and 2,000 very poor people between the ages of 18-34 (10% of participants are people with disabilities) in the most marginalized communities in the states of Yucatán and Chiapas in Mexico to reach | 1 |
This project will empower 13,000 participants (600 Graduation and 12,400 financial inclusion) aged 18-in two upazilas (sub-districts), Sadar and Ulipur, in the Kurigram district in Bangladesh to reach economic self-sufficiency through acces | 1 |
This project will empower 7,000 participants (1,000 Graduation and 6,000 financial inclusion) aged 18-34 in the Da Krong and Huong Hoa districts of Quang Tri province, and Kon Plong and Kon Ray districts of Kon Tum Province, in Vietnam to r | 1 |
Through a multi-year programme, UNHCR Mozambique supports refugees to attain self-reliance and gradually reduce dependence on relief aid. The Graduation Approach is a sequenced, multi-sector intervention that supports the poorest and most v | 1 |
Through the Graduation approach, the Bab Amal program aims to reduce extreme poverty by addressing the multidimensional challenges faced by this population and enabling them to build sustainable livelihoods and resilience. | 1 |
To achieve self-reliance, economic empowerment of refugees and asylum seekers | 1 |
To address the route Couse of irregular migration through vocational skills training and giving awareness raising | 1 |
To alleviate extreme poverty in Bhutan; To provide sustainable livelihood to the extreme poor To promote community participation, especially the poor, in planning and implementation of their own development plans; | 1 |
To assist families and individuals with disabilities who live in ultra-poverty to improve their lives. | 1 |
To assist the ultra-poor and very poor in graduating out of poverty on sustainable basis. Simultaneously, the programme aims at improving the overall food security, nutritional status and resilience to climate change for its target benefici | 1 |
To bring in economic, social and inspirational changes in the lives of the poorest and marginalized women including making them economically empowered and graduated to mainstream, particularly of finance & livelihood security with bringing | 1 |
To build livelihoods security and improve nutrition outcomes among the extreme poor in South Wollo and Wolayta zones, Ethiopia. | 1 |
To build self-reliance and to improve the nutritional status of targeted beneficiaries in Pugnido 1 and 2 camps and in host communities in Gambella Region, Ethiopia. | 1 |
To contribute to the economic strengthening of 200 vulnerable women and persons with disabilities in the community of Ouargaye, Koulpelogo, through a combination of the Graduation Approach and Community-based Rehabilitation. The project wil | 1 |
To contribute to the integration of refugees and resilience of host communities which is the goal of the qualifications and employment perspectives program in Ethiopia | 1 |
To economically empower persons with disabilities and their households in rural Bangladesh and to ensure that they exercise their rights on an equal basis with others. | 1 |
To enhance and diversify household income in select farm and non-farm sectors for targeted beneficiaries in project areas. | 1 |
To enhance economic livelihoods and technical capacity of vulnerable communities (refugees and host communities) by scaling up support through adoption of innovative solutions to build resilience and ensure greater self-reliance and social | 1 |
To enhance food and nutritional security of vulnerable households in Selected Areas of the Dry Corridor. | 1 |
To enhance venezuelans possibilities of access to income generation and self-reliance, through a strategy of job placement and relocation from Roraima to other cities in the country. | 1 |
To establish a impactful and sustainable livelihood improvement program in Honduras for conditional cash transfer beneficiaries. | 1 |
To fight poverty and allow poor families to reach socio-economic autonomy | 1 |
To graduate ultra-poor household from extreme poverty and build their financial resilience and empowering women and girls. | 1 |
To harness the local experience and power of agriculture and nutrition to save lives today, and to enrich them tomorrow | 1 |
To improve access to income-earning opportunities and socio-economic services for targeted poor households while enhancing and protecting the human capital of their children. | 1 |
To improve access to livelihoods and socio-economic infrastructure in vulnerable communities in the eastern provinces of DRC | 1 |
To improve access to, and consumption of nutritious snacks among young children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) in urban informal settlements of Nairobi County. | 1 |
To improve management of coastal and marine fisheries and aquaculture (in Bangladesh) | 1 |
To improve management of target conservation area landscapes and enhance the living conditions of communities in and around these conservation areas | 1 |
To improve natural resource management in select districts to support sustainable livelihoods, and in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to the eligible crisis or emergency. | 1 |
To improve productivity of selected livestock production systems and the commercialization of their products for the targeted beneficiaries, and to provide immediate and effective response in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. | 1 |
To improve rural livelihoods, especially that of women, unemployed youth and the most disadvantaged, in the participating North Eastern states. | 1 |
To improve the capacity of participating indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to engage in tenure security process and livelihood opportunities from sustainable management of forests and land. | 1 |
To improve the integrated management of targeted Gazetted Forests, to increase access of the main consumption cities to fuelwood produced sustainably, and to strengthen selected non-timber forest product value chains for forest-dependent co | 1 |
To improve the practices and enabling environment for forest and land management in Targeted Landscapes. | 1 |
To increase market integration, net revenues, and food security of organized beneficiaries; as well as to improve access to water supply and sanitation services of households in Project areas. | 1 |
To lift refugees and host community households out of extreme poverty | 1 |
To meaningfully contribute in reducing extreme poverty in the Philippines by adopting a graduation model through the microfinance platform and community driven development approach. Assist the poorest families in achieving social adequacy, | 1 |
To promote employment opportunities for vulnerable urban youth in order to increase their social inclusion, empowerment and resilience. | 1 |
To promote representation of Orinoquia wetlands and savanna lands in land-use planning instruments and landscape connectivity in selected project areas. | 1 |
To provide support to the victims of the armed conflict who are interested in investing their compensation into a productive activity to improve their income and general well-being. | 1 |
To reduce food insecurity and increase resilience for households in 27 PSNP woredas of Amhara, SNNPR, and Tigray | 1 |
To reduce morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition while maintaining GAM rates below 15% among U5 children South Sudanese Refugees residing in Pugnido-1 camp Gambella Region. | 1 |
To support improved livelihoods for women in targeted areas of Nigeria | 1 |
To support the Borrower to improve access to economic opportunities through the following sub-objectives: 1. Identify and develop new economic inclusion models to increase the adaptive capacity of Egyptian poor and vulnerable households to | 1 |
To support the Government of Zambia to increase access to livelihood support for women and access to secondary education for disadvantaged adolescent girls in extremely poor households in selected districts. | 1 |
To support the development of inclusive and competitive agriculture value chains, focusing on small holder farmers and agri-entrepreneurs in Maharashtra | 1 |
To support the extreme poor in target communities of Somalia to achieve tangible improvements in their lives, be healthy, be resilient to economic and environmental shocks, and to have more control over issues that affect their lives. | 1 |
To sustainably reduce extreme poverty through the cost-effective integration and adaptation of the Graduation Approach into large-scale social protection programs in the Sahel. This three-year project supports the design, delivery, and lear | 1 |
Transition Paraguay's social protection system from basic safety nets to a system that promotes economic opportunities through entrepreneurship, in which adults and caregivers are given the means to provide for themselves and their children | 1 |
Trickle Up is partnering with Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM) to develop and implement a strategy to promote sustainable livelihoods through the Graduation Approach among the poorest 20-30% of the population in Odisha, India. We are integra | 1 |
Trickle Up is partnering with the Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) to design and implement livelihood initiatives for people living in ultrapoverty as defined by India’s National Rural Livelihood Mission’s (NRLM) fra | 1 |
USAID NAWIRI is part of the USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA). Nawiri is a Kiswahili word that means “Flourishingâ€. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the prime grantee with 6 sub awardees as | 1 |
Ultra poor are on an upward trajectory out of poverty with children being cared for, well nourished and educated. | 1 |
Village Enterprise embarked on the development impact bond in order to create an evidence-based funding model to effectively scale up Extreme Poverty Alleviation models. Village Enterprise also aims to contribute to learning via the rigorou | 2 |
Village Enterprise expanded into a new geography in Kenya (Migori County) in partnership with Lwala Community Alliance. Village Enterprise delivers economic empowerment training to complement Lwala’s efforts to tackle the multidimensional | 1 |
Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP) - is an Integrated Local Development Program to Accelerate Poverty Eradication, Rural Growth, and Social Protection, targeting poorest households with limited access to assets and income generation. | 1 |
Vulnerable and marginalized communities are more resilient to recurrent shocks and stresses | 1 |
With funding from the Netherlands-based humanitarian organization [National Postcode Lottery (NPL)], BRAC Liberia started to implement the pilot Ultra-Poor Graduation Program during late 2018. BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation approach is buil | 1 |
accroître l’accès des ménages pauvres et vulnérables aux filets sociaux et établir les fondements d’un système adaptatif de filets sociaux au Burkina Faso EN: increase access to social safety nets for poor and vulnerable household | 1 |
he objective of the project is to improve the employability of Syrians under Temporary Protection (“SuTPâ€) as well as Turkish citizens residing in selected localities. Selected localities are those (a) that have a high presence of SuTP | 1 |
improve access of vulnerable youth population to labor markets and increasing their employability | 1 |
is to increase the socio-economic inclusion of rural poor (small producers, indigenous people, and rural workers) by: (a) strengthening their organizational, planning and management capacity to achieve poverty-reduction goals; (b) improvi | 1 |
promover la autonomÃa económica de las mujeres jefas de hogar, a través de la entrega de un conjunto de herramientas que les permitan generar, gestionar ingresos y recursos propios a partir del trabajo remunerado, acceso a la oferta publ | 1 |
smooth consumption and access to basic services | 1 |
to improve access to basic social services, expand economic opportunities and enhance environmental management for communities hosting refugees in counties hosting refugees. | 1 |
to improve employment opportunities and income of rural men and women; and sustainability of targeted local enterprises | 1 |
to restore land productivity in targeted degraded landscapes and, in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said eligible crisis or emergency. | 1 |
• Improving access to finance in rural areas, by building technical and competitive capacities among small farmers and small- and medium-sized agricultural companies. • Integration of smallholder farmers into value chains. • Creation | 1 |
• Increased wealth of young people in particular and especially young women • Accelerated trade and collaboration nationally and across-borders • Increased stability to promote growth and protect gains | 1 |