Survey of Income and Living Conditions-Cross-Sectional Database 2016
Name | Country code |
North Macedonia | MKD |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
The Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) project was launched in 2003, on the basis of a 'gentlemens’ agreement' in six Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, and Austria) as well as in Norway. The start date for the EU-SILC instrument under the Framework Regulation was 2004 for 12 Member States1, Estonia, Norway and Iceland. A derogation was provided in the cases of Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and nine of the then ten new Member States (all except Estonia) permitting them to begin in 2005 under the condition that they supply comparable data for the year 2004 for the common EU indicators that have been adopted by the Council in the context of the open method of co-ordination. Bulgaria and Turkey started the full implementation of the EU-SILC instrument in 2006 while Romania and Switzerland began to implement it in 2007. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) started in 2010, Croatia in 2011while Montenegro and Serbia in 2013.
The Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is the European Union reference source for comparative statistics on income distribution and social exclusion at the European level, particularly in the context of the 'Programme of Community action to encourage cooperation between Member States to combat social exclusion' and for producing key policy indicators on social cohesion for the follow up of the EU2020 main target on poverty and social inclusion and flagship initiatives in related domains, e.g. in the context of the European Semester. It provides two types of annual data: Cross-sectional data pertaining to a given time or a certain time period with variables on income, poverty, social exclusion and other living conditions, and
Longitudinal data pertaining to individual-level changes over time, observed periodically over a four-year period. The first priority is to be given to the delivery of comparable, timely and high quality data.
The cross-sectional data is collected in two stages: An early subset of variables collected by register or interview to assess as early as possible poverty trends. A full set of variables provided along with the longitudinal data to produce main key policy indicators on social cohesion.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01
The scope of the study includes:
Cities and settlements
The reference population of EU-SILC is all private households and their current members residing in the territory of the Member States (MS) at the time of data collection. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are generally excluded from the target population.
Name |
State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia |
According to the Commission Regulation on sampling and tracing rules, the selection of the sample will be drawn according to the following requirements:
For all components of EU-SILC (whether survey or register based), the cross-sectional and longitudinal (initial sample) data shall be based on a nationally representative probability sample of the population residing in private households within the country, irrespective of language, nationality or legal residence status.
All private households and all persons aged 16 and over within the household are eligible for the operation. Representative probability samples shall be achieved both for households, which form the basic units of sampling, data collection and data analysis, and for individual persons in the target population. The sampling frame and methods of sample selection shall ensure that every individual and household in the target population is assigned a known and non-zero probability of selection.
Start | End |
2016 | 2016 |
The use of the datasets must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia Survey of Income and Living Conditions-Cross-Sectional Database (SILC-C) 2016, Ref. MKD_2016_SILC-C_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Poverty-GP | The World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (May 2018)