Value |
Category |
-5 |
Missing |
-4 |
Not asked |
-3 |
Not applicable; No spouse/partner |
-2 |
No answer |
-1 |
Dont know |
36001 |
AU: No formal education |
36002 |
AU: Incomplete primary |
36003 |
AU: Complete primary |
36004 |
AU: Incomplete secondary: to Year 10 |
36005 |
AU: Complete secondary: to Year 10 |
36006 |
AU: Incomplete secondary: to Year 12 |
36007 |
AU: Complete secondary: to Year 12 |
36008 |
AU: Trade qualification or apprenticeship |
36009 |
AU: Certificate or Diploma |
36010 |
AU: Complete univers: Bachelor |
36011 |
AU: Complete univers: postgrade |
156001 |
CN: Primary school completed |
156004 |
CN: University or College completed |
156006 |
CN: Never attend School or Primary school uncompleted |
156008 |
CN: Secondary school |
156009 |
CN: High school/vocational type |
156010 |
CN: Master and above |
170001 |
CO: None |
170002 |
CO: Primary |
170003 |
CO: Secondary |
170004 |
CO: Higher / University |
170005 |
CO: Post-graduate |
246011 |
FI: No Formal Education |
246012 |
FI: Incomplete Primary And Lower Secondary Education |
246013 |
FI: Complete Primary And Lower Secondary Education/Lowest Formal |
246014 |
FI: Incomplete Upper Secondary Education: Technical/Vocational |
246015 |
FI: Complete Upper Secondary Education: Technical/Vocational |
246016 |
FI: Incomplete Upper Secondary Education: University-Preparatory |
246017 |
FI: Complete Upper Secondary Education: University-Preparatory |
246018 |
FI: Incomplete Polytechnic-Level Education |
246019 |
FI: Complete Polytechnic-Level Educationv |
246020 |
FI: Incomplete University-Level Education, No Degree |
246021 |
FI: Complete University-Level Education, With Degree |
320001 |
GT: Primary incomplete |
320002 |
GT: Primary complete |
320003 |
GT: Basics incomplete |
320004 |
GT: Basics complete |
320005 |
GT: Diversified incomplete |
320006 |
GT: Diversified complete |
320007 |
GT: University incomplete |
320008 |
GT: University complete with thesis |
320009 |
GT: None |
356000 |
IN: Non a Literate : Anybody who cannot read or write |
356001 |
IN: Below Primary : Literate but no complete primary school |
356002 |
IN: Primary Pass : Completed Class V but not Class VIII |
356003 |
IN: Middle Pass : Completed Class VIII but not Class X |
356004 |
IN: Matric:Completed Class X/ High School or Equivalent |
356005 |
IN: Intermediate/College No Deg:Class XI/PUC/Post Matric Dpl |
356006 |
IN: Graduate: B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., Polytech.,Computer,BTC |
356007 |
IN: Post Graduate:M.A.,M.Sc.,M.Com.,B.Ed.,M.Ed.,Ll.B.,PG) |
356008 |
IN: Professional Degrees and Higher Research Degrees |
380001 |
IT: Nessuna formazione scolastica |
380002 |
IT: Scuola elementare incompleta |
380003 |
IT: Scuola elementare completa |
380004 |
IT: Scuola media inferiore e avviamento professionale |
380005 |
IT: Scuola professionale completa |
380006 |
IT: Secondaria superiore incompleta |
380007 |
IT: Secondaria superiore completa |
380008 |
IT: Livello universitario, senza titolo (universitA interrotta) |
380009 |
IT: Livello universitario, con titolo |
392003 |
JP: Complete high school |
392004 |
JP: Incomplete vocational school (after high school) |
392005 |
JP: Complete vocational school (after high school) |
392006 |
JP: Incomplete two-year college |
392007 |
JP: Complete two-year college |
392008 |
JP: Incomplete college/university |
392009 |
JP: Complete college/university |
484001 |
MX: None |
484002 |
MX: Primary incomplete |
484003 |
MX: Primary completed (1 to 6 years) |
484004 |
MX: Secondary NOT completed |
484005 |
MX: Secondary completed |
484006 |
MX: University preparatory NO completed |
484007 |
MX: University preparatory completed |
484008 |
MX: University SIN completed |
484009 |
MX: University completed with diploma |
484010 |
MX: University completed without diploma |
484011 |
MX: Technical carreer |
484012 |
MX: Post-graduate |
498001 |
MD: No formal education |
498002 |
MD: Completed primary |
498003 |
MD: Incomplete secondary |
498004 |
MD: Complete secondary |
498005 |
MD: Secondary-vocational |
498006 |
MD: Secondary specialized education |
498007 |
MD: Incomplete higher education |
498008 |
MD: Higher education |
498009 |
MD: Higher education with scientific degree |
528001 |
NL: No formal educatio |
528002 |
NL: Complete primary school |
528003 |
NL: Technical/ vocational training (12-16 years) |
528004 |
NL: Lower general education |
528005 |
NL: Technical/ vocational training (16-18 years) |
528006 |
NL: Higher general secondary education |
528007 |
NL: Secondary: university-preparatory type |
528008 |
NL: Technical/ vocational training (18+) |
528009 |
NL: University education (with degree) |
554001 |
NZ: No formal schooling |
554002 |
NZ: Kura kaupapa/primary school (including intermediate) |
554003 |
NZ: Secondary school for up to 3 years |
554004 |
NZ: Secondary school for 4 years or more |
554005 |
NZ: Some university, wananga, polytechnic or other tertiary |
554006 |
NZ: Completed university or polytechnic degree |
710001 |
ZA: No schooling |
710002 |
ZA: Some primary school |
710003 |
ZA: Primary school completed |
710004 |
ZA: Some high school |
710005 |
ZA: Matric |
710006 |
ZA: ArtisanAs certificate obtained |
710007 |
ZA: Technikon diploma/ degree completed |
710008 |
ZA: University degree completed |
710009 |
ZA: Professional |
710010 |
ZA: Technical |
710011 |
ZA: Secretarial |
710012 |
ZA: Other |
710014 |
ZA: Some university |
724001 |
ES: No sabe leer |
724002 |
ES: Sabe leer |
724003 |
ES: Primarios completos |
724004 |
724005 |
ES: FP-Modulos |
724006 |
724007 |
ES: COU-Bachiller |
724008 |
ES: Grado Medio |
724009 |
ES: Universitarios |
756001 |
CH: Aucune formation scolaire/professionnelle |
756031 |
CH: primarschule |
756032 |
CH: sekundarschule |
756033 |
CH: anlehre (mit anlehrvertrag) |
756034 |
CH: berufslehre / berufsschule |
756035 |
CH: diplommittelschule / allgemeinbildende Schule |
756036 |
CH: handelsschule / handelsdiplom |
756037 |
CH: berufsmatura |
756038 |
CH: maturitatsschule / gymnasium / seminar |
756039 |
CH: hohere fachschule |
756040 |
CH: hohere berufsausbildung mit meisterdiplom |
756041 |
CH: fachhochschule / technikerschule / technikum |
756042 |
CH: universitat / eth |
792001 |
TR: None |
792002 |
TR: Incomplete primary |
792003 |
TR: primary |
792004 |
TR: Incomplete secondary |
792005 |
TR: secondary |
792006 |
TR: Incomplete high school |
792007 |
TR: lise mezun |
792008 |
TR: some university |
792009 |
TR: university |
792011 |
TR: Currently enrolled in high school |
792012 |
TR: Currently university/college student |
792013 |
TR: Post grad degree (MA, PhD) |
840001 |
US: Less than high school/Early childhood education and kindergarten |
840002 |
US: Some high school, no diploma/ Elementary or middle school |
840003 |
US: Graduated from high school - Diploma or equivalent (GED) |
840004 |
US: Some college or non-degree programs |
840005 |
US: Associate degree (AA, AS) |
840006 |
US: Baccalaureate degree |
840007 |
US: Master's degree |
840008 |
US: Professional degree (MD, DDS, LLB, JD) / Vocational or certificate programs |
840009 |
US: Doctorate or professional degree |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.