Value |
Category |
-5 |
Missing |
-4 |
Not asked |
-3 |
Not applicable |
-2 |
No answer |
-1 |
Dont know |
246011 |
FI: Less Than 5000 |
246012 |
FI: 5000-10000 |
246013 |
FI: 10000-20000 |
246014 |
FI: 20000-100000 |
246015 |
FI: More Than 100000 |
250001 |
FR: Under 2,000 |
250002 |
FR: 2,000 - 5,000 |
250003 |
FR: 5 - 10,000 |
250004 |
FR: 10 - 20,000 |
250005 |
FR: 20 - 50,000 |
250006 |
FR: 50 - 100,000 |
250007 |
FR: 100 - 500,000 |
250008 |
FR: 500,000 and more |
250009 |
FR: Paris |
392001 |
JP: 12 major large cities(i.e.Tokyo,Osaka,etc.) |
392002 |
JP: 150,000 more residents cities |
392003 |
JP: 50,000 to 150,000 residents cities |
392004 |
JP: Up to 50,000 residents cities |
392005 |
JP: Rural districts |
410021 |
KR: Farm / Mountain / Fishing village |
410022 |
KR: Urbane farm/fishing village |
410023 |
KR: Small or medium city |
410024 |
KR: Industrial area near city |
410025 |
KR: Business/Commercial area in Big city |
410026 |
KR: Residential area in Big city |
528002 |
NL: 5.000 - 10.000 inhabitants |
528003 |
NL: 10.000 - 20.000 inhabitants |
528004 |
NL: 20.000 - 50.000 inhabitants |
528005 |
NL: 50.000 - 100.000 inhabitants |
528006 |
NL: 100.000 inhabitants or more |
528007 |
NL: The hague |
528008 |
NL: Rotterdam |
528009 |
NL: Amsterdam |
554001 |
NZ: Farm or rural property |
554002 |
NZ: Village (under 2,000 people) |
554003 |
NZ: Small town (2,000 to 9,999 people) |
554004 |
NZ: Large town (10,000 to 29,999 people) |
554005 |
NZ: Small city (30,000 to 49,999 people) |
554006 |
NZ: Medium city (50,000 to 99,999 people) |
554007 |
NZ: Large city (100,000 people or more) |
643001 |
RU:1mln. and more |
643002 |
RU:500-999,9 Tsd. |
643003 |
RU:250-499,9 Tsd. |
643004 |
RU:100-249,9 Tsd. |
643005 |
RU:50-99,9 Tsd. |
643006 |
RU:Less than 50 Tsd. |
643007 |
RU:PGT (rural township) |
643008 |
RU:Rural population |
710001 |
ZA: Up to 499 (Rural) |
710002 |
ZA: 500-7999 (Village) |
710003 |
ZA: 8000-39999 (Small town) |
710004 |
ZA: 40000-99999 (Large town) |
710005 |
ZA: 100000-249999 (City) |
710006 |
ZA: 250000+ (Metro) |
724001 |
ES:less than 2000 hab. |
724002 |
ES:2-5000 |
724003 |
ES:5-10000 |
724004 |
ES:10-50000 |
724005 |
ES:50-100000 |
724006 |
ES:100-250000 |
724007 |
ES:More than 250000 |
724008 |
ES:Madrid/Barcelona |
804001 |
UA: Village |
804002 |
UA: Under 50 Thous. |
804003 |
UA: 50-99 Thous. |
804004 |
UA: 100-249 Thous. |
804005 |
UA: 250-499 Thous. |
804006 |
UA: 500 Thous. And More |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.