Literal question
In the past 7 days, how much time did [NAME] spend working on your household’s shambas/gardens (e.g., ploughing, planting, weeding, harvesting)?
Total hours for a week.
Interviewer instructions
Both questions 3 and 4 ask about the actual number of hours that the individual worked on the household's shambas or gardens. Note the difference in the two questions. Question 3 asks about hours worked on the shambas themselves (that is, activities such as planting, ploughing, harvesting). Question 4 asks about hours spent on activities that typically take place after harvesting - these are associated with preparing and processing the crops for sale or home consumption (drying the maize, milling, brewing alcohol from crops, etc.). Make sure to probe for time spent on brewing. You must explain the difference between the two questions to the respondent.