Interviewer instructions
You should record the main activity and secondary activity that is not schooling. If the respondent had no other activity except schooling in the past 12 months, then you should record description “STUDENT” and occupation code 88 (for no activity/unemployed) in Section E1 - Question 2 and skip to Section F.
For example, suppose that one of the household members was enrolled full-time in school in the past 12 months, but after school every day and on weekends he helped his father work on the shambas. This is the only activity that the child worked at in the last 12 months, other than schooling. Then, in Section E1, you will write Crop Farming (code 1) as this child's main activity in the past 12 months.
For women who may primarily consider themselves housewives, record the occupation code 3 (for housewife) and description “HOUSEWIFE.” If the person works as a cook or housekeeper for someone else, then the work should be recorded as code 15 (for domestic worker), with the description "DOMESTIC WORKER."
If a person has had absolutely no major activity or occupation, record code 88 (for No activity/unemployed).