Literal question
I would like to ask you about different farm inputs you have used since [round 2]. In the past […] months, have you …
1 Used any hired labor on your shambas/gardens?
2 Bought any seeds?
3 Bought any manure for your shambas?
4 Bought any feed for your livestock?
5 Had any expenses for maintaining the health of your livestock (insecticide sprays, medicines, veterinary services)?
6 Had any expenses for building or repairing any pens or fences for your livestock?
7 Bought fertilizer on your shambas? (for planting, and also top-dressing)
8 Bought pesticides/herbicides (dawa) for your shambas?
9 Had expenses for transporting crops?
10 Had any expenses for transporting any farm inputs?
11 Had any expenses for transporting livestock?
12 Bought any fuel for a tractor?
13 Had any other expenses associated with crop production, such as the purchase of sacks, containers, storage, irrigation, renting of animal traction, renting of tractors?
14 Had any other expenses associated with livestock production?