Literal question
Start by explaining that the next set of questions are meant to learn something about your impatience, and temptation to consume some luxury item. Let us consider the case of vouchers to be used at a nice duka. Suppose that you win 10 vouchers that have a value of 500 KShs each. You can buy anything you want with the vouchers. The vouchers are available for immediate use starting today, and there is an absolute guarantee that they will be available whenever you request them within a two-year window. Once you request a voucher, you must use it within one day. You must request all the vouchers within a two-year period. The questions below concern how many of the vouchers you would ideally like to use in each year, how tempted you would be to depart from this ideal, and what you expect you would actually do in practice.
What would you be tempted to do? Which of the following best describes you?