Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Evaluation 2019
Name | Country code |
Mozambique | MOZ |
Independent Performance Evaluation
Overall Design: Mixed-Methods Performance Evaluation with three components:
(1) Ex-post performance evaluation
(2) Infrastructure Assessment
(3) Outcomes Analysis
Exposure to treatment:
Nampula city water supply system: 69 months
Nampula city storm drains: 67 months
EMUSANA: 66 months
Nacala city water supply system: 75 months
Nacala Dama: 60 months
Mocuba water supply: 69 months
Quelimane storm drains: 67 months
Evaluation Questions:
(1) Was the program implemented according to approved plans and budget?
(2) As implemented, were the activities cost-effective?
(3) Are the infrastructure investments operational and being appropriately maintained?
(4)What were the effects of Urban Water Supply Activity on key outcomes (i.e., water supply, water supply reliability, water consumption and/or expenditure, malaria and diarrhea incidence)?
(5) What was the effect of Urban Drainage and Sanitation Activity on key outcomes (drainage capacity, flood incidence, flood severity, malaria incidence)?
(6) What was the effect of Capacity-Building Activity on sanitation service delivery?
(7)What lessons can MCC or the GoM apply in future programs to program design, implementation, and sustainment of results?
Topic | Vocabulary |
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene | MCC Sector |
The geographic coverage of the program is Nampula, Nacala, Quelimane, and Mocuba. However, the evaluation will only collect data in Nampula and Quelimane.
Name |
Mathematica Policy Research |
Name |
Millennium Challenge Corporation |
We used purposeful sampling to select key informant interview participants from all relevant government and nongovernmental organizations and the donor community.
For households and businesses, we used a convenience sample—a form of nonprobability sampling that draws on easy-to-reach participants. To gather data from households, the team traveled to target neighborhoods and knocked on the doors of households along different segments of the drains as well as households from different socio-economic groups. If the household member was willing to participate in the interview, the team assessed the household’s eligibility and completed the interview immediately. If the person was not home or unwilling to participate, the team moved on to the next home. Mathematica completed 31 household interviews in Nampula and Quelimane.
For businesses, the Mathematica team used the yellow pages and advise from the local consultant to identify business of different sizes, in different neighborhoods, and served by the new pumping station (Estação de Abastecimento) or that used a different water source. The team identified four businesses for interviews.
Start | End |
2019-03-25 | 2019-04-04 |
Data collection for the implementation study took place when Mathematica staff traveled to Mozambique. The team completed more than 70 interviews in the field with donors, key government officials, implementing entities, households and businesses.
The team conducted the interviews in English or Portuguese, based on the informant’s preference. Interviews lasted up to an hour and were recorded and transcribed. When in-person interviews could not be arranged, some informants provided information in writing or over the phone. For key informant interview participants who requested that we not record the interviews, we took notes during the interview and coded summaries of them.
During field work, we observed that we reached saturation during the fourth or fifth interview of a similar kind, meaning that same themes were recurring and no new insights were gained from conducting additional interviews. In those cases, we moved to a different neighborhood or a different type of respondent (for example, after we interviewed a sufficient number of households with piped water in EB5 neighborhood, we screened and recruited businesses in the same neighborhood).
Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Cost: None
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? |
no |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Name | Affiliation | |
Millennium Challenge Corporation | US Government | |
Name | Role |
Millennium Challenge Corporation | Review of Metadata |
Version 2 (August 2020).
Version 2 (August 2020). Edited version based on V1 (DDI-MCC-MOZ-URBANWATER-2019-v01) that was produced by the Millennium Challenge Corporation.