Productive and Business Services Assistance in Handicrafts Value Chain 2009-2012
Independent Impact Evaluation
Encuesta de Hogares Para Evaluar el Impacto de Proyectos de Artesanais en la Zona Norte 2009-2012
Name | Country code |
El Salvador | SLV |
The evaluation was designed to answer the following questions:
• What impact did FOMILENIO's offer of PBS assistance have on intermediate outcomes, such as production levels, business practice adoption, technology adoption, and product diversification?
• What impact did FOMILENIO's offer of PBS assistance have on employment creation and artisans' investment and income?
• What impact did FOMILENIO's offer of PBS assistance have on household income?
In the handicrafts chain, we find a positive impact of PBS on employment generation after one year of assistance, as well as a positive impact on artisans’ likelihood to devote labor to handicrafts and sell handicrafts. However, we find no significant impact on net handicraft or household income in 2010 or any subsequent year. This suggests that one or more structural obstacles to marketing and selling handicrafts may have inhibited positive impacts on artisans’ handicraft income. Examples of potential obstacles could include market access difficulties, limited demand during non-peak months, or the inability of assisted artisan groups to ensure the quality of their goods to secure large orders. Also possible is that diminishing marginal returns to additional production could translate to a lack of increased sales and income, despite increased investments in paid labor.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Handicraft producers
Topic | Vocabulary |
Agriculture and Irrigation | MCC Sector |
19 municipalities in the Northern Zone of El Salvador
Artisans in the study are largely married females around the age of 40 with a basic education. Overall, artisans invested between $400 and $600 a year in handicrafts production, and made a profit of between $300 and $500 on these investments.
Name |
Mathematica Policy Research |
Name |
Millennium Challenge Corporation |
A total of 19 municipalities (9 in treatment and 10 in control) with 674 individuals (337 in treatment and 337 in control) were randomized into the study. The analysis sample for this evaluation includes all respondents that completed all four in-person interviews: one baseline and three follow-up interviews. This is a total of 587 individuals (289 in treatment and 298 in control). Over 85 percent of the sample completed all four surveys over three years.
At baseline, 74 individuals not included in the sample frame were administered the PDS-H producer questionnaire. They are not included in the analysis data set.
Percentage that completed all interviews (Analysis Sample):
Treatment: 86%
Control: 88%
No weights were used for this impact analysis.
The PBS impact evaluation assesses both main and intermediate outcomes resulting from the offer of three years of PBS assistance. To create these outcome indicators, we designed the Productive Development Surveys (PDSs), which are in-person baseline and follow-up surveys that focus on productive activities and measure household income and consumption. Under a contract between FOMILENIO and the Dirección General de Estadística y Censos (DIGESTYC), data collectors administered baseline and follow-up PDSs to all eligible artisans in the evaluation, which includes all producers in the treatment group as well as the control group. Data collection included baseline data collection (right before Phase I services), the first follow-up data collection (right after the end of Phase I), a second follow-up (after one year of Phase II services), and a final follow-up one year later, approximately one month after Phase II services concluded in July 2012.
Start | End | Cycle |
2009-10 | 2009 | Baseline |
2010-11 | 2010 | Follow-up 1 |
2011-09 | 2011 | Follow-up 2 |
2012-08 | 2012 | Follow-up 3 |
Name | Affiliation |
Dirección General de Estadística y Censos | National Statistical Department |
After interviewers completed each questionnaire, the interviewers reviewed the questionnaire entries and submitted them to the field coordinator for cross-editing. During data entry in SPSS, mistakes were corrected using visual and program control.
Impacts of the PBS Activity in Handicrafts were estimated within a regression framework that controlled for baseline measures. Impacts of intent-to-treat (ITT) and treatment-on-treated (TOT) are both provided. Standard errors for the impact estimates were clustered at the municipality level.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Cost: None
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? |
no |
Blair, Randal, Seth Morgan, Larissa Campuzano. 2014. Impact Evaluation Findings after Three Years of the Productive and Business Services Activity in Handicrafts of the Productive Development Project, El Salvador.
Name | Affiliation | |
Monitoring & Evaluation Division | Millennium Challenge Corporation | |
Name | Role |
Millennium Challenge Corporation | Metadata Producer |
Version 3.0
Version 1.0 (May 2015)
Version 2.0 (June 2015). Edited version based on Version 01 (DDI-MCC-SLV-PBS-HANDICRAFTS-MPR-2014-v1) that was done by Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Version 3.0 (July 2020). Updated version that provides a description of the data.