Value |
Category |
AbsentSchoolWhy |
AvailableReason |
BirthPlaceChild |
CashSource2 |
ChildDeliveryLocation |
CreditFailWho |
CreditSource |
CreditWhy |
CropHighestPriceLoc |
CropID |
CropSaleLoc1 |
CropSaleLoc2 |
CropSaleTransp1 |
CropSaleTransp2 |
HandicapType |
HealthFin |
HealthProb |
HealthProvM |
Occupation |
ReasonMUACNotMeasured |
ReasonOedemaNotMeasured |
SHGroup1 |
SHGroup2 |
SavingsLocation |
StolenAttemptYNFirst |
StolenThird |
StolenYNFirst |
StolenYNSecond |
T5B_06 |
T5B_12a |
T6A_01 |
TransportMethod |
TransportMode |
TypeWaterDry |
TypeWaterRain |
UnavailabilityReason |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.