Interviewer instructions
Age is among the most important pieces of information for this survey as many of the questions in each section depend on the age of the listed household member. If the respondent does not know his/her age, you must make an estimate by reference to the events that have taken place in his life or that of the community (village, town, district, region) or the world, such as the independence of Tanzania, a flood in the region, the war with Iddi Amin, or the World Wars. Intensive probing is required to obtain the complete date, month and year of birth. Often respondents will refer to events such as:
- Community events/weather conditions
- Religious occasions/holidays
- Public holidays e.g. Independence Day, Union Day, Idd-el-Fitr, Idd ul Hajj, Maulid, Christmas, Easter, New Years
- Regional disasters
- Birth intervals
- World events e.g. World War I, II
- The famine that occurred in Tanzania after World War II, in 1946 and 1947.
- National independence in 1961.
- The birth of TANU.