Interviewer instructions
Read and explain the anthropometric consent to the respondent what it means. See the anthropometric consent statement.
In addition to learning about you and your child's health and recent illnesses, we are also interested in how children living in this area are growing, and in the health of all females aged 15 to 49 years in the household. Both children and adults are commonly measured and weighed when they go to a clinic as a routine health exam. For this reason, we are going to measure and weigh you and your child. This is a simple procedure and will not cause any pain or risk to your health. You can see all the equipment (weighing scale and height boards) we will use in front of you. We will need your cooperation (mother or caregiver) when weighing and measuring your child.
Would you allow us to take these measurements on you and/or your child? Only proceed if they allow you to do so.
If allowed, indicate whether eligible person has been measured or not, and if not measured or absent, find out the reason. Follow skip instructions closely.
Question post text
If answer is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 96 > Go to next person.