Question pretext
PROBE FOR CAUSE IF ANSWER IN THE BID GAME TO (11.44) (e2_44 - variable name in dataset) IS (03) "WOULD CAUSE SOME PROBLEM" or (04) "WOULD BE VERY DIFFICULT". OTHERWISE, GO TO 11.56 (e4_56 - variable name in dataset).
Interviewer instructions
Ask this question only if Q11.44 is (3) “would cause some problem” or (4) “would be very difficult”. If the answer is (2) “Coartem does not work” or (3) “prefer other means of treatment” or (4) “fever will go away on its own”, skip the next questions and go to Q11.50.
Question post text
If answer is 2, 3 or 4 > Go to 11.50 (e3_50 - variable name in dataset).