Literal question
Now imagine that you receive more support from the government, and could be treated with Coartem (ACT) for 3,000 Kwacha if found to be infected with malaria. Would you be willing to pay more, [BID XX], for the RDT than what you stated before [MAXIMUM RDT PRICE]? BID 03 = (BID 02 + 500).
Interviewer instructions
This is the Second Positive Round Bidding for RDT, it is also adding 500 Kwacha to each BID (e.g. BID 01, BID 02 or BID 03). The difference is that [MAXIMUM RDT PRICE] for either the positive or the negative bidding is used in place of an [RDT START PRICE] and that MAXMUM ACT PRICE is now 3,000 Kwacha. If answer is NO, “not willing to pay more than MAX RDT PRICE”, stop the bidding game and go to Q11.89.
Question post text
If answer is 2 > Go to 11.89 (e8_89 - variable name in dataset).