Value | Category | Cases | |
Fair (The Geography teacher beats us and some learners are afraid of him. We are not free in his class to talk, or when you answer incorrectly it’s also a big issue to that teacher. I’m not good in Geography. I don’t use this library for Geography. I only use my own books but it helps me when I study here.) | 1 |
good | 1 |
Good | 3 |
Good (I did not use any books in the library on Geography, is mostly from school; our teacher is very good) | 1 |
Good (I used Geography books from the library; booklets and improved form an E to a C.) | 1 |
Good (Now I understand things better compared to last year. Because I come more often to the library this year and even if I don’t understand something, I ask teachers and also utilize text books from the library. ) | 1 |
Good (Actually I understand the teacher that’s why I get these high grades.) | 1 |
Good (D) (This year I understand very well because I read books from the library and also google information on the internet) | 1 |
Good (I get good information from our teacher but do use the library to get additional information from the internet.) | 1 |
Good (I understand Geography very well. From the start my goal is to become a Geography scientist. So I study Geography more than the other subjects. ) | 1 |
Good (They should bring resources such as different map work. Map work is drawing of maps and contour lines and it’s actually like learning all features on a map. If this can be provided, it will add to our knowledge and help us complete tasks when given school assignments.) | 1 |
Poor (The exam was very tough) | 1 |
Very good (I studied from my personal resources, my examinations booklet and summary book) | 1 |
Very good (Made use of geography examination booklets from the library) | 1 |
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