Showing 751-765 of 11,090
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Annual Employment Survey 1986
Sri Lanka, 1986
Statistics Division - Department of Labour
ID: LKA_1986_EMS_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2999
Data available from external repository
Population Census 1986
Lesotho, 1986
Bureau of Statistics
ID: LSO_1986_PHC_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2400 Citations: 30
Data not available
Household Budget Survey II 1986
Lesotho, 1986-1987
Bureau of Statistics (BoS)
ID: LSO_1986_HBS_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2078 Citations: 14
Data not available
Demographic and Health Survey 1986
Liberia, 1986
Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs
ID: LBR_1986_DHS_v01_M Last modified: Jul 06, 2017 Views: 22301 Citations: 144
Data available from external repository
Demographic Sample Survey 1986-1987
Nepal, 1986-1987
Central Bureau of Statistics
ID: NPL_1986_DSS_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2279 Citations: 5
Data not available
Encuesta Demografiga y de Salud Familiar 1986
Peru, 1986
Dirección General de Demografía, Consejo Nacional de Población (CNP)
ID: PER_1986_DHS_v01_M Last modified: Jul 06, 2017 Views: 15079 Citations: 111
Data available from external repository
Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1986
Senegal, 1986
Division des Enquêtes et de la Démographie de la Direction de la Statistique
ID: SEN_1986_DHS_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 24541 Citations: 151
Data available from external repository
Demographic and Health Survey 1986 - IPUMS Subset
Senegal, 1986
Direction de la Statistique du Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances [Senegal] and Institute for Resource Development (IRD)., Minnesota Population Center
ID: SEN_1986_DHS_v01_M_v01_A_IPUMS Last modified: Jan 16, 2021 Views: 1669
Data available from external repository
Agricultural Sample Survey of Tanzania Mainland 1986-1987
Tanzania, 1986-1987
National Bureau of Statistics
ID: TZA_1986_AGSASU_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2641 Citations: 1
Data not available
Annual Survey of Industries 1986
Sri Lanka, 1985
Department of Census and Statistics
ID: LKA_1986_ASI_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 24435 Citations: 2
Data available from external repository
Annual Survey of Industries 1987-1988
India, 1988-1989
Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing)
ID: IND_1987_ASI_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 6144 Citations: 100
Data not available
Demographic and Health Survey 1987
Burundi, 1987
Ministère de I’Intérieur de la République du Burundi, Département de la Population
ID: BDI_1987_DHS_v01_M Last modified: Jul 06, 2017 Views: 21985 Citations: 130
Data available from external repository
Demographic and Health Survey 1987 - IPUMS Subset
Burundi, 1987
Département de la Population du Ministère de l'Intérieur [Burundi], Insitute for Resrouce Development (IRD)., Minnesota Population Center
ID: BDI_1987_DHS_v01_M_v01_A_IPUMS Last modified: Jan 16, 2021 Views: 1692
Data available from external repository
Deuxième Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat 1987
Cameroon, 1987
Direction Nationale du Deuxième Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat
ID: CMR_1987_PHC_v01_M Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 20417 Citations: 215
Data not available
Second General Census of Population and Housing 1987 - IPUMS Subset
Cameroon, 1987
Ministère du Plan et de l'Amenagement du Territoire, Minnesota Population Center
ID: CMR_1987_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5002
Data available from external repository
Showing 751-765 of 11,090
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