The relationship between learner achievement and qualification, training and experience of grade 6 teachers in Namibia

Type Conference Paper - International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005
Title The relationship between learner achievement and qualification, training and experience of grade 6 teachers in Namibia
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
City Paris
Country/State France
The quality of education has been a major concern in Namibia since indepedece1990.two studies conducted by SACMEQ projects in 1995 and 2000 found that there were disparities in the quality of education across regions. Low learner achievement was found among regions. In order to determine the cause of low learner achievement in Namibia, there was a need to conduct a comparative study between regions. Learner achievement can be influenced by inputs, process and output factors. However, this study is mainly focused on the teacher (input variables) as key factor in improving quality of education.

The study used SACMEQ I and II data from the four regions out of seven educational regions in Namibia. It analysed the relationship between learner achievement and levels of qualification, training status and length of experience of teachers. The study also compared the findings of SACMEQ I and II projects between the four regions.

The study found that teacher’s qualification, training and experience has influence on learner achievement.

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