Understanding Peace and Conflict within Nigeria

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Master‘s Thesis
Title Understanding Peace and Conflict within Nigeria
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=3971484&fileOId=3971486
The purpose of this study is to investigate how peace and conflict within Nigeria
can be understood.This is done by the application of a range of developmental
indicators as well as theoretical variables drawn from the field of why
insurgencies emerge. This study also includes the role of the Nigerian state in this
dynamic. This is done by the application of a range of developmental
indicators as well as theoretical variables drawn from the field of why
insurgencies emerge. This study also includes the role of the Nigerian state in this
dynamic. This is done by the application of a range of developmental
indicators as well as theoretical variables drawn from the field of why
insurgencies emerge. This study also includes the role of the Nigerian state in this
dynamic. The applied method is a within-case comparison of three cases; the
North East: Boko Haram, Niger Delta: MEND and the South West: OPC.

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