Morbimortalidad Materna - Perinatal y factores asociados a la Preeclampsia en el Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales Lima 2005

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Tesis para optar el título profesional de médico cirujano
Title Morbimortalidad Materna - Perinatal y factores asociados a la Preeclampsia en el Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales Lima 2005
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2007
In this work, we studied 160 patients having the diagnosis of mild or severe preeclampsia at the National Hospital Sergio E. Bernales - Collique, Lima, between January 1st and December 31st 2005. We also studied the babies born to these mothers.
The Objective of the present work, was to determine the perinatal maternal morbidity and mortality and the factors associated to preeclampsia in the pregnant women.
We used a Descriptive Cross-sectional and Retrospective method in a population of pregnant women that ended in a childbirth. Maternal and neonatal clinical observations, surgical reports and prenatal controls were surveyed.
We found that from a total of 160 pregnant women with preeclampsia, 83 (51.9%) were of severe degree. The age range was 19 - 35 years. 13.1% of patients were obese, according to the indice of corporal mass(IMC), at the beginning of the gestation. 81 patients were nulliparas; 45 of them (55.6%) having a severe preeclampsia . Moreover, 86 patients (53.75%) give birth at a gestational age between 28 and 37 weeks (pre-term) and 115 pregnancies (71.9%) culminated by a caesarean delivery.
The other maternal pathologies most frequently observed were : postpartum hemorrhage (21.9%), placenta abruptio (13.8%), 2nd or 3rd trimester hemorrhage (5.6%).10,6% pregnancies presented with other less frequent pathologies, as endometritis and urinary tract infection (ITU) 5 women (3.1%) evolved to eclampsia. None of the pregnant women died because of preeclampsia. All these results were statistically significant (p = 0,05).
The most frequent neonatal pathologies associated with preeclampsia we have: neonatal jaundice (51.3%), neonatal asphyxia (29.4%), hypoglicemia (17.5%), BPN (14.4%) and sepsis (11.9%). Only 3,1% of babies born to the preeclamptic women died.

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