Risiko Kematian Ibu Menurut Usia Pada Kasus Kematian Ibu Dengan Preeklampsia Di Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2012

Type Journal Article
Title Risiko Kematian Ibu Menurut Usia Pada Kasus Kematian Ibu Dengan Preeklampsia Di Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2012
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
In 2012, pre-eclampsia is a cause of maternal mortality in East Java. Discussion of preeclampsia is still more focused on the treatment and prevention have led towards preeclampsia. This research studies the magnitude of the risk of death by age in cases of maternal death due to preeclampsia. This study involved 582 maternal mortality cases in East Java in 2012 the total population. Study design used was a case control and data is processed to determine the value Odds Ratio In the age group is too young, too old and the ideal age group. The results of the calculation of the age group under 20 years obtained a value OR 1.16. Age group above 35 years) obtained a value OR 1.12. ideal age group (20-35 years) obtained OR values 0,87. Concluded that the ideal age group is able to reduce the risk of maternal death due to preeclampsia.

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