Adaptation Strategies of GO and NGOs Combating Climate Change Impacts: A Study on Perception of Communities in the Coastal Areas

Type Journal Article
Title Adaptation Strategies of GO and NGOs Combating Climate Change Impacts: A Study on Perception of Communities in the Coastal Areas
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
The unique geographic location, high population density, high levels of poverty, and overwhelming dependence on nature make Bangladesh one of the countries, most vulnerable to climate change. Various adaptation strategies and policy actions (e.g. National Adaptation Programmes of Action), structural and non-structural adaptation measures have already been suggested to reduce the impact of climate change. This research aims to study the socio-economic vulnerability of the population to be affected by climate change impacts, adaptation measures practiced by the GO and NGOs in the coastal areas of Bangladesh in response to climate change and the perception of the community regarding the adaptation measures practiced by the different government and non-government agencies. Considering the spatial distribution, rural urban setting and highest vulnerability to climate change, four upazillas-Burhanuddin upazilla from Bhola district, Barguna Sadar upazilla, from Barguna district, Shyamnagar from Satkhiradistrict and Sharonkhola from Bagerhat district were selected as study area. Various scholarly literatures on climate change adaptation, vulnerability analysis, study on physical vulnerability, assessment of adaptation strategies etc. have been studied to design the study methodology. Data is collected from both primary and secondary sources. For primary data collection semi-structured questionnaire was used. Along with that participatory data collection tools like focused group discussion (FGD),venn diagram analysis etc. was also employed. In the data analysis process, information and data collected from field survey have been analyzed. Major findings of analysis are as following. People in the study areas are suffering from high level of poverty (52% to 75%). Income inequality in the study area is low. Due to poverty people depend on GOs and NGOs for adaptation measures. Currently practiced adaptation measures include water supply and purification programs by NGOs, road and embankment construction by GOs, emergency health care, plantation, training programs, solar panel installation. However agricultural and health related adaptation measures are less practiced in the study areas. In order to study people’s perception regarding adaptation measures ‘Respondent’s Frequency ’ analysis was performed on issues like their preference for different types of GO and NGO sector adaptation measures, perceived benefit from various projects, their level of satisfaction etc. It is found that 45.5% of total respondents are not satisfied with adaptation measures in the study areas. Thus from the analysis of adaptation measures and people’s perception regarding those measure it is evident that a lot is to be done yet for adaptation against climate change. This study also provides some recommendation towards improved adaptation programs for the study areas.

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