The Impact of Different Development Programmes on the Scheduled Tribe People in the Drought Prone Areas of West Bengal-A Case Study

Type Working Paper - Business Spectrum
Title The Impact of Different Development Programmes on the Scheduled Tribe People in the Drought Prone Areas of West Bengal-A Case Study
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
India have the second largest concentration of tribal population, after that of African continent. The Scheduled Tribes people have been an important part of the total population of West Bengal. As per 2001 Census there are 38 tribal groups living in the state of West Bengal. The present study attempts to find out the impact of different government programmes on the living of people belonging to scheduled tribes in general and Santal and Munda community in particular. Study results show that the proportion of tribal attending school is very low. It is also found that people from Santal and Munda community are engaging themselves in secondary and tertiary sector much more than what the other communities like Lodhas or Birhors are doing.

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