The Pattern of Consumption for Food Away From Home (FAFH) of Modern Filipino Households

Type Working Paper
Title The Pattern of Consumption for Food Away From Home (FAFH) of Modern Filipino Households
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Despite the economic and commercial importance of food consumption away from home, very limited attempt has been made to investigate the evolution and economics of this type of food consumption among Filipinos over time. This study hopes to set the pace among local researchers in taking advantage of the availability of high quality primary data of nationwide
household surveys to generate useful insights on the “eating out” behavior of modern Filipinos. The study will endeavour to establish the linkage between food demand behaviours and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of households, highlighting on the difference between wealthy/not wealthy consumers. To supply the dynamic content of the analysis, public use raw data files of several rounds of the Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) will be used. Relevant microeconometric models which address sample selectivity issues and the complex nature of the survey are also implemented. Results of the study confirm the significant co-variation of FAFH consumption of Filipino households with
its postulated determinants and the establishment of FAFH as a necessity during the modern era.

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