Electrical Burns: The Trends and Risk Factors in the Ghanian Population

Type Journal Article - Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - Pending Publication
Title Electrical Burns: The Trends and Risk Factors in the Ghanian Population
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://www.medbc.com/meditline/articles/vol_39/num_2/text/vol39n2p940.pdf
The usefulness of electricity in daily life offers several advantages which cannot be underestimated. Electricity is
needed by industries for manufacturing and also in homes for lighting, cooking, washing, etc. However, electricity can cause severe life-threatening complications. This study investigates the trend and mortality risk factors of electrical burn injuries at the Burns Intensive Care Unit (BICU) of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), Ghana. The Burns Registry at KATH BICU containing information on patients who were admitted for electrical burns was used. Data on the sex, age, occupation, cause of injury, Total Body Surface Area burned (TBSA) and outcome of admissions was obtained. GraphPad version 5 was used for the analysis. There were 13 (2.7%) electrical burns, suffered by 11 males (84.6%) and 2 females (15.4%) out of a total 487 BICU admissions over a 4-year period (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2013); the mean age of the electrical burn victims was 37.8 years (range = 22–56); the TBSA ranged from 5.0% - 98.0%. Mortality risk factors identified were high voltage electrical burns, older age (P=0.0250) and TBSA>20% (P=0.048). Four cases (30.8%) were transferred to the Main Burns Ward (Ward D2C); 6 cases (46.1%) were discharged home; 3 patients (23.1%) died; all deaths were recorded in persons who had high voltage electrical burns. Electrical burns can be severe and can cause death. Even though the current study showed that a small population was affected by electrical burns, society has to be continually conscious of the detrimental effects of electrical energy and take the necessary precautions to minimize this type of accident.

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