West Bengal: A Statistical Overview

Type Website Document
Title West Bengal: A Statistical Overview
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
URL http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=872390
With the subscribing to the phenomenon of globalization, resurgent India has embarked in achieving higher standards of socio-economic parameters to compete with the totalstandards. To be a part of this resurgence, West Bengal, a prominent state in the eastern part of India has undertaken substantial economic restructuring and re-engineering to bring it out of the slump, it landed itself in since early seventies. The state of West Bengal has taken various initiatives to improve on key socio-economic indicators that determine qualities of life. West Bengal's performance on selected sectors, welfare indicators has been discussed in comparison to India and other states. The effect of initiatives in relevant sectors on overall output has been ascertained.

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