A Study on the Management Action Profile of the Tribals in the Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu

Type Working Paper - International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management
Title A Study on the Management Action Profile of the Tribals in the Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu
Volume 1
Issue 8
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 91-93
URL http://www.ijrcm.org.in/download.php?name=ijrcm-2-Cvol-1_issue-8.pdf&path=uploaddata/ijrcm-2-Cvol-1_​issue-8.pdf#page=96
The life and culture of the various tribes in India always kindled interest and amusement. Prized with the vast, rich forests and hills, the country has many aboriginal tribes inhabiting them, preserving their distinct identities. This study is conducted in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu and covers five tribes living in the district. Two hundred respondents from each tribe namely Kotas, Todas, Kurumbas, Paniyas and Irulas were chosen for the study. Altogether four dimensions were studied that is activator, director, co-operator, and evaluator. The results indicate that they have more drive as activator and evaluator.

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