The relationship between economic development and homelessness in South East Asia

Type Website Document
Title The relationship between economic development and homelessness in South East Asia
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
The accelerated globalisation of the last two decade has seen the growth of South East Asian countries as major centres of manufacturing and information processing. Whilst stimulating national economies and improving life for some, there remain many millions of people in these countries whom the benefits have not reached. This economic development has been a catalyst for increased rural to urban migration at a time when structural adjustment policies have resulted in the deregulation and privatisation of urban services and housing sector. Thus, increasing poverty, massive urbanisation of production and economic activity and failing state provision combine to make the people of these countries more vulnerable than ever to homelessness. Drawing on a study of homelessness in nine developing countries, this paper explores the relationship between global economic activity in four South East Asian countries and increasing levels of homelessness.

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