The visible face of women’s invisible labour: Domestic workers in Turkey

Type Working Paper
Title The visible face of women’s invisible labour: Domestic workers in Turkey
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
In June 2011, the International Labour Conference adopted the Domestic Workers Convention (No. 189)
and Recommendation (No.201) which are the first international standards specifically dedicated to the
promotion of decent work for this group of workers. Since then, the instruments have become an important
source of guidance for policy-makers around the globe seeking to improve the living and working conditions
of domestic workers. The ILO’s follow-up activities in support of governments and employers’ and workers’
organizations include knowledge development and sharing, awareness raising and the promotion of social
In this context, the ILO has supported the preparation of national study exploring the domestic work sector in
Turkey. Given the need to share knowledge and research in this field across countries and regions, we are
pleased to make the study, which was prepared by Prof. Dr. Gülay Toksöz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyhan
Erdogdu from Ankara University, available through the Conditions of Work and Employment Working
Research Series. This Series is aimed at presenting the findings of policy-oriented research in the area of
working conditions from multidisciplinary perspectives such as laws, economics, statistics, sociology and
industrial relations.
The findings of the study were presented at a National Conference on Decent Work for Domestic Workers in
Turkey organized by the ILO in February 2013, with the participation of the Ministry of Family and Social
Policies and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The Conference was an opportunity for the ILO’s
tripartite constituents, as well as civil society organizations and academia to discuss the main problems facing
domestic workers in Turkey and to reflect on possible ways forward.

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