The trends and patterns of urbanization in the NCT of Delhi during 1901-2011

Type Working Paper - International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies
Title The trends and patterns of urbanization in the NCT of Delhi during 1901-2011
Volume 2
Issue 4
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 27-39
Presently, the NCT of Delhi is in the United Nation’s list of top ten world’s largest urban agglomeration. According to census 2011, the NCT of Delhi is at the 2nd rank among the highly populated metropolitan cities in India. The rapid pace of urbanization is justified by the fact that 97.50 of Delhi’s population live in urban area & the remaining 2.5% live in rural areas. Over the years, the number of villages in rural areas have decreased considerably conforming the increase in urban population & the urban areas. Today, the NCT of Delhi has attained inordinately large population size leading to virtual collapse in the urban services and followed by basic problems in the field of housing, slums, water, infrastructure, quality of life etc. urbanization is a product of demographic explosion and poverty induced rural-urban migration. The present papers deals with the process of urbanization in Delhi over a century with emphasis on level, degree of urbanization and pseudo-urbanization using Indian census data during 1901-2011.

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