Introduction et evaluation de la traction monobovine avec le jouguet IRAD-BF a l’Ouest du Burkina Faso

Type Working Paper
Title Introduction et evaluation de la traction monobovine avec le jouguet IRAD-BF a l’Ouest du Burkina Faso
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Agricultural mechanization to two oxen-plow animal traction is well developed in western
Burkina Faso. However, the single ox-plow is almost non-existent. A survey on the
introduction and the evaluation of this technique with a small yoke (IRAD-BF) was carried
out in four villages (Sara, Founzan, Koumbia and Gomgélédougou) of the Tuy province.
Undertaken method was an initial investigation into the inventory of fixture, on the state of
the place, the control of experimentation and then an assessment. Indeed, 10% of the peasants
have had experience of the one ox-plow technic, only 3% used it in their exploitation. The
exclusive enthusiasm for the pair of ox can be explained through the fact that technique I has
strongly been recommended to farmers by the SOFITEX and Government interventions,
becoming a reference in this area, thus most producers only know the use of a pair of ox. The
material widespread in the area is only adapted to a two ox-plow. The short term tests have
resulted in an average ratio of the traction powers between the one ox and the two oxen of a
constant of PBB/PMB = 1,64 or PMB/PBB = 0,62, which varies according to the applied
resistance strength on the plow. To optimize work in the field, the use of the single ox-plow
reduces the effort needed to do the usual agricultural (seedling, weeding, scarifying,
ploughing and light earthing up). Thus, 95% of the producers had a good experience of the
technique, easy to manipulate and accommodating. 66% of the producers considered that
there was a real and satisficing reduction in the effort required with a single ox-plow under
condition that the ox is well in shape (=300kg) and correctly prepared. 100% of the producers
approved the necessity and the complementarity of the single ox-plow with the small yoke
(IRAD-BF or local). One will keep that, to achieve the viability of the adoption of the single
ox-plow in western Burkina Faso, it is essential to take into account the financial capacities of
the producers, to ensure the availability and accessibility of the small yoke and to pursue
complementary researches focusing on specific topics such as: the ox-plow seedling and
transportation with the simple yoke etc. Promoting campaigns must also be lead using suitable
and accessible channels for farming communities.

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