Type |
Working Paper - Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, THEMA |
Title |
An original framework for studying dynamic fertility models |
Author(s) |
Publication (Day/Month/Year) |
2000 |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nathalie_Picard3/publication/5013160_An_Original_Framework_for_Studying_Dynamic_Fertility_Models/links/02e7e5177c7572ff12000000.pdf |
Abstract |
An original framework for studying dynamic fertility models Nathalie PICARD TORTORICI January THEMA Universit Cergy Pontoise mail picard cergy This research was partly conducted while was working DELTA and CREST would like thank Gary Fields Costas Meghir Thierry Magnac Jean Marc Robin Denis Foug Philippe deVreyer Nicolas Gravel and participants the ESPE conference Amsterdam ESEM conference Santiago and ERC METU conference Ankara for helpful comments Remaining errors are mine Abstract This paper develops original method for studying dynamic fertility models LDCs integrating simultaneously hazards births gender and survival order avoid analytical complications and limitations the number explanatory variables that are common structural dynamic fertility models focus the stopping rule depending parents characteristics and the numbers deaths surviving boys and girls The method allows correct for the endogeneity the number births and deaths and erentiate the three determinants actual fertility parents characteristics ecting preferences and survival chances pure chance children actual gender and survival contraception problems The method illustrated using data from the Demographic and Health Survey conducted Ghana JEL Classi cation Keywords dynamic fertility mortality endogeneity sum Cet article veloppe une thode originale pour tudier les mod les dynamiques condit dans les pays veloppement qui int gre simultan ment des sur les naissances sexe survie des enfants Pour barasser des com